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Intro component with sign-up form

Erik Tangvikβ€’ 255


Desktop design screenshot for the Intro component with sign-up form coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Let me know if anything needs to be fixed

Community feedback

ApplePieGiraffeβ€’ 30,565



Hey, Erik Tangvik! πŸ‘‹

Good work on this challenge! Your solution is responsive! πŸ‘

Other than allowing the background image to fill up the entire area of the screen (as ezraguy so helpfully suggested) I think taking away the error messages on the input elements once the user has entered valid input (rather than after the user hits the submit button again) would make for a better UX and be a nice touch! πŸ˜‰

Keep coding (and happy coding, too)! 😁


Erik Tangvikβ€’ 255



@ApplePieGiraffe I'm a bit conflicted on this. I can change the code to work in that manner with one word. However I think that it is a bit too much to notify users they made a mistake before they submit a form at least once. I do think it should be something added for a password field though.

ApplePieGiraffeβ€’ 30,565




Yeah, I got you. If you really wanted, perhaps you could specify different behaviors for the error messages for before and after the form has been attempted to be submitted at least once so that users aren't bothered by those error messages before they submit the form but the error messages are immediately taken away once they submit valid input when trying to submit the form a second time, as you said. IDKβ€”just an idea! πŸ˜‰

Guy Ezraβ€’ 615



Hey @Etang131, I have 1 suggestion to offer, I think the image component should not be in the container. because the container has a max-width:1440px and when you look at the website with a desktop monitor there are white spaces on the sides because the screen is wider than 1440px. what I would do is would take the image out of the container CSS as a background image and add it as an img tag and give it the following CSS:


other than that it looks great! Happy coding! πŸ˜„


Erik Tangvikβ€’ 255



@ezraguy I had it white originally to show that the project was built to fit a certain display size. However I do get your point of it being a little out of place. So now I am having a slightly different color be the background for the "over flow", but keeping the image in the container.

Web Frogβ€’ 1,840



Great work @Erik. However, you should remove overflow hidden for body tag when it goes on mobile. Now, I can't scroll down. ;) Happy coding~ :)


Erik Tangvikβ€’ 255



@MasterDev333 Thank you the issue show be fixed.


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