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Intro component with sign-up form using SASS and BEM

Elio Flores• 400


Desktop design screenshot for the Intro component with sign-up form coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Built with

  • Semantic HTML5 markup
  • CSS custom properties
  • Flexbox
  • CSS Grid
  • Mobile-first workflow
  • SASS
  • BEM
  • JavaScript and the Constraint Validation API

What I learned:

I learn most of how to use form validation. Using the Constraint Validation API was easy to write the validation message.

Suggestion? Any feedback is welcome!

Thank you.

Elio Flores

Community feedback

Vanza Setia• 27,855



Hi, Elio Flores!

I don't think you need to use a custom element for the Frontend Mentor attribution. You can use HTML and CSS to create it. My point is to not use JavaScript for something HTML can do. When HTML can't, use CSS. JavaScript should be the last resort.

Other suggestions:

  • <input> with type="submit" is a legacy element. It was used before the <button> element exist. It is best to avoid using legacy elements. So, use <button> element instead.
  • Each <input> must have an accessible name or label. In this case, you can use aria-label to label each input since there is no visible label.
  • Each error message should be connected with each <input> element. To do that, use aria-describedby attribute.
  • Add aria-live attribute to each <input> to make the error gets announced by screen readers as soon as the element is populated with the error message.
  • Add novalidate attribute to the <form> with JavaScript. This way, if the JavaScript fails to load, the users get native HTML form validation.
  • Make the <body> element the container of the page instead of using <div class="container">.

I recommend using rem for the font sizes. You want to use em only when you want the size to be relative to the font size of the parent element.

Dive deeper — rem vs em Units in CSS | DigitalOcean

I hope you find this useful.


Elio Flores• 400



@vanzasetia Thanks for your feedback!

I started to learn about web accessibility but it still is not enough so I'm using axe-devtool and the accessibility report generator on FrontendMentor to check accessibility before submitting a solution. Your feedback motivates me to further study web accessibility to improve my understanding and implementation.

Regarding the custom footer, while it could be achieved using HTML, I chose to implement it as a web component in order to gain a deeper understanding and experience with this technology. Additionally, I intend to use this component in future FrontendMentor challenges as reusable components. I understand that the custom element may have added unnecessary complexity, and I appreciate your feedback in pointing this out.

Regarding the use of rem and em, I am still trying to gain a better understanding of when to use each one. I have previously used rem but received feedback suggesting that using em for resizing components in an independent manner is a good idea. While I understand the value of this approach, I have found it to be complex to apply as it requires careful consideration of which attributes depend on the font-size. I am continuing to learn and research this topic in order to improve my understanding.

So I updated my solution if you could provide a code review, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback on my solution.

Elio Flores

Vanza Setia• 27,855




You are welcome!

That's good to know that you are a browser extension to check the accessibility of the site.

That's a great reason to use custom elements. It's okay to try things out.

One thing that I notice is that you are setting 12 columns grid on the .main element. I think you should not do that for the layout. The layout is only a two-column layout. So, you should only need to set 2 columns grid.

Marked as helpful


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