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Intro component with sign-up form using REACT JS & TAILWIND CSS

meccoi 160


Desktop design screenshot for the Intro component with sign-up form coding challenge

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  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
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This is my first time using React again. Do you have any ideas, suggestions, or advice for a newcomer to React?

Community feedback

Fluffy Kas 7,735




Your solution looks nice! However, I'd suggest you look up a video or two about the basics of React. Here you're essentially using vanilla javascript in a React setup and then just put everything in a useEffect (it's not what useEffect is used for). Try looking up how event handling works in React and rework your logic accordingly.

As a sidenote, the use of create-react-app is no longer encouraged, and has been removed from the official React documentation, for a number of reasons ( tl;dr, it's bulky and slow). There are a bunch of better options out there, check out the React docs. There's also Vite, as a very beginner-friendly option, perhaps I'd recommend this one for you. Tailwind has an easy setup guide for Vite as well.

Regarding everything else:

  1. Instead of the button type input, it's preferable to just use a button element.
  2. All inputs need to have a label attached to them, even if they are not visible. Placeholders are not a replacement for this. Luckily, Tailwind has a really handy "sr-only" class you can put on the labels to keep them from showing up.
  3. Terms and Services should be a clickable link.
  4. The "Try it free for 7 days..." element shouldn't be a label. Labels are used to provide description for input. Here most probably you could just use a <p>.

I hope this was somewhat helpful. Good luck (:

Marked as helpful


meccoi 160



@FluffyKas Hi there, thank you so much for your comment! And for taking the time to provide helpful tips.

I will take note on using <input type='button' /> as a button. I just thought it was a bad practice.


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