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Intro Component w/Signup - HTML, CSS, jQuery, JS, Google Fonts

Heather Smith• 220


Desktop design screenshot for the Intro component with sign-up form coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

I really enjoyed this one. I got to discover the differences between mix-blend-mode and background-blend-mode, and display: none and visibility: hidden. Both will surely help me in the future. I probably won't be applying gradients over my background images anymore to achieve the overlay look. And I'll probably use visibility: hidden for my error messages from now on to keep the layout in place and prevent elements from shifting.

This also felt like good jQuery practice. I wrote functions that check each input field to ensure nothing is left blank, and that a valid email address has been entered.

If you can think of any ways to improve my solution, I'd love to hear them. Thanks!

Community feedback

Ryan Calacsan• 200



Good work on getting it super close to the design! Upon quick inspection I did notice a few things that may be worth looking into.

-Your current email validation seems to work on leaving it blank but is not currently checking to be a valid email.

-I would take a look into your error icon positioning. While they are in place for your desktop view, once you get to the mobile view they fly off to the right.

-Lastly I would look into your media queries and or spacing when resizing your window. There is a point between the two where your text starts to get cut off.

I am happy to go into more detailed solutions if you'd like but if you're anything like me, I learn/retain better when trying to work things out on my own first :)

Overall, great job and happy coding!

Marked as helpful


Heather Smith• 220



@ryancalacsan Thank you for all the feedback! I will be trying to fix these things today. I didn't realize my email field was letting people get away with that, haha!

Heather Smith• 220



@ryancalacsan Ok, got the email validation fixed. It worked before I added the check for blank fields, lol. Thanks for catching that!

I also adjusted the break points so that the text doesn't cut off.

Oh wow, that exclamation point really did end up somewhere weird. It's fixed now!

Anthony• 355



I'm not sure if this was required by the challenge, but I thought from a user experience point of view it was good to have the form input error messages update on the blur event for each input, and recheck if input is valid. That way, if user fixes an error in one of the inputs, they would know that it was correct as soon as they leave the field.

Marked as helpful


Heather Smith• 220



@ACdev27 It wasn't required, but I had the same thought. I need to research how to do that. Thanks for the suggestion, I will definitely attempt it!

EDIT: I got it working! Thanks for the tip about blur events. I hadn't really learned about those yet, but now I've got that skill. :D

Anthony• 355



@sorengrey You're welcome! I just tried your component again. Nice job adding the blur event to the form validation. Much nicer user experience I think!

Marked as helpful


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