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Intro section with dropdown navigation

Andro87 1,460


Desktop design screenshot for the Intro section with dropdown navigation coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Any feedback on how to improve my solution is welcome! ;)

Community feedback



Hey, I like the layout of your site. I found your design to be clean and simple with good contrast. There are a few things I think could be improved however.

Firstly the site menus don't seem to work properly, there is no highlighting happening when you hover over a menu item plus clicking on those items doesn't seem to do anything. There is also no focus indication on the menu items or buttons which isn't good for accessibility I guess it is still a work in progress though.

The second thing is the code, I only looked at the pages/index.tsx but I found it very hard to follow. It would be best to define components for each of the things that make up the page and then have index.tsx simply be a composition of those components.

Finally, instead of calling it index.tsx, name it after the name of the page, like home.tsx, or about.tsx, as well as give your components meaningful names. This way when someone (or even future you) comes into the repo they can immediately see what the site is about and how things are organized. The code and the layout of the code should guide the developer.


Andro87 1,460



Hello @kerryconvery ! Thank you for the suggestions! I have improved my code and made some changes . I've also made the text color of the menu items a bit darker then it was,when hovered, so it should be more visible now. Happy coding!


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