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Job listing board using React and React Context

Jordan Lewis• 100


Desktop design screenshot for the Job listings with filtering coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective


This was a neat challenge, as I got to utilize React Context for the first time. I'm not sure how I would feel using it in a larger application (over, say, Redux), but it went fairly smooth. It's also the first React App I've deployed without using CRA, so there were a few growing pains.

Two general questions:

  1. How does the site look? I used mobile-first, but noted that the desktop app felt weird around 900px. The layout of each card smashed together, and it felt kind of messy, hence why I set the media query to 900px.
  2. SVG bundling - The longest part of this project was figuring out how to load the SVGs without manually placing them in dist/ or build/. I eventually just placed them with the components, and imported each into index.js one at a time. Is there a better way to do that?

As far as I could tell, I couldn't automate the import in JobInfo.js.

const JobInfo = ({ listing }) => {
    return (
        <div className="job__info--container">
            <img src={listing.logo} className="job__info--picture"/>
            <div className="job__info--listing-container">
                <p className="job__info--company">{}</p>
                <div className="job__info--extra-container">

listing.logo is the company logo photo, a SVG file, pulled from State from the parent component.

So I did this in index.js:

import './public/styles/main.scss';
import './components/listings/images/account.svg';
import './components/listings/images/eyecam-co.svg';
import './components/listings/images/faceit.svg';
import './components/listings/images/insure.svg';
import './components/listings/images/loop-studios.svg';

Is this the intended way to access assets like this? Thanks for any feedback!

Community feedback

Mojtaba Mosavi• 3,760



Hi!, look nice and functions well, I am no expert in React but according to my limited knowledge the way you import assets if fine and a sublte improvement would be to a named import( assign the asset to variable on import). For example you can do something like this:

import logo from "./src/assets/images/logo"

Keep coding :)


Jordan Lewis• 100



@MojtabaMosavi Thanks for the feedback! Unless my understanding from import statements and React is off, I couldn't import at the top level because each section had a different logo, and the logo location was passed down via Context. Since it was passed down from Context, I don't have access to the location outside of the function.


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