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Job listings with filtering | Built with Svelte

Connor Z 5,115


Desktop design screenshot for the Job listings with filtering coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Feedbacks are super welcome!

I used the framework svelte for the interacting of the components.

Community feedback

Matt Studdert 13,611



Hey Connor, you've done an awesome job on this challenge. Your solution matches up really well to the design and scales down to mobile beautifully! 👍

I haven't tried Svelte yet. Looking at your code it looks interesting though. How do you find working with it? Do you enjoy it as a JS framework?


Connor Z 5,115



@mattstuddert Hey Matt, thanks for your feedback 🙌

I was looking for some frameworks that have minimal changes to the original code. So the frameworks based on virtual DOMs are out of the list.

But at the same time, I need some simple statement management solutions for the filters in this project. I was looking for alpinejs since it is really tiny, but data binding is not that straight forward though.

Then Svelte is the solution I was looking for. It compiles your code into raw JavaScript code, the bundle size is super tiny and the performance is just fast enough. Most importantly, it is super easy to learn and wrote. I would give it 100/100 for developer experience. I had a lot of fun doing this project with Svelte.

However, Svelte is still very young comparing with React and Vue. It doesn't mean it is not good for production usage. In my thinking it is super robust (because you wrote less code, you wrote less bugs by yourself LOL). When you faced some issues, it just took longer time to find out answers on the Internet.

Matt Studdert 13,611



@zuolizhu haha, yeah debugging applications using newer technologies is always a pain! 😅

It definitely sounds like it's worth trying out. I'll take a look for sure. Thanks! 👍


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