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Just using css most for the custom slider^


Desktop design screenshot for the Room homepage coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Feel free to ask anything about my work and I would gladly give my comments

Community feedback

Nikesh 90



While Starting JS , is it better to do the courses available such as Bootcamp, Youtube videos tutorials and so on or is it better to work on some challenges like these for practice?

You have completed your your work beautifully. Wanted to know how can I proceed with JS effectively. It had been a while I got into web development. How can I go further effectively? I will really appreciate and grateful if there are any suggestions for me.




@NikeshGamal Hey!

To be honest I find it more productive to watch a particular interest of your choice in youtube, then of course following the person that is coding.

But lot's of problem arises when for example, in starting javascript, if you would follow like a tutorial about javascript itself, you might find yourself studying whole lots of function provided by javascript and think "where should I use this on a website". Because typically, when teaching javascript, it is more on about data-structure and algorithms( mostly ) which you might find hard to implement in a web.

But what do you really want to learn is the most important part, because for example a .querySelector method is what you will really use a lot at first especially when you are doing dom manipulations which you are going to do whole lots. When I learned and still learning js, I would just search for methods that I will use and its to me for how I am going to implement and that will be a case for you as well, searching a whole lot and this I find really great instead of just watching "javascript" tutorials at basics to advanced.

For this challenge, believe me this is not that great hahaha. I haven't refactored the site yet to be more accessible.

For a starter, start with dom manipulations since js method will be used in there lots more. But avoid doing DSA for now okay, you might find yourself derailed.

Nikesh 90



Thank you so much for your suggestions. As you mentioned, doing JS tutorials from basic to advance seems hectic and slowly after some time gets monotonous that is why I am feeling hard to continue the tutorials videos.

Starting with "DOM manipulation" and approaching towards the challenges. In addition to it, looking out for the videos to solve the respective issues that I encounter in each challenge seems good to me. Does it sound okay to you?




@NikeshGamal Yep, that would be much better especially the search only what bugs you out because if you like go on a full tutorial, you might not really find that particular thing right.

That is why googling is really important and lots of answers in stackoverflow could be your solution on a problem. Also if you haven't joined the frontendmentor slack, well you must join now and always freely ask question in the help channel and lots I hope will answer your queries.

Nikesh 90



@pikamart Thank you very very much. I haven't joined but I will. Thank you for your advices and suggestions. Really appreciate it.


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