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Loopstudios with Sass, JS, Parcel

Fluffy Kas 7,735


Desktop design screenshot for the Loopstudios landing page coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Hey guys,

This was a trickier challenge than it looked like. Much trickier, actually. I know it's not a pixel perfect copy of the design but that even intentional in some places ^^ Please feel free to roast me, I'm sure I made some errors!

Have a great day!

edit: I couldn't figure out what's up with the fonts! They just look different than shown on the design. Any idea why?

Community feedback

Account Deleted

Not sure about anything font related, but your solution looks good on desktop.

  • Give your solution a maximum width of 1440px to prevent it from stretching and becoming too wide on large screens.
  • On our creations I think it would have been better to go from 4 rows to 3 rows, because when you reach the first breakpoint and it switches to 2 rows it has a lot of empty space on the sides and it doesn't look good.
  • When you switch to desktop while the mobile menu is still active it gets carried over and does not get dismissed.

Keep coding👍.

Marked as helpful


Fluffy Kas 7,735



@thulanigamtee I was wondering about the rows myself whether it looks strange but then I have my answer :D. I'll change it soon and fix the mobile menu too! Thanks for taking the time to look at it ^^




I have a doubt. How are you switching the images in the cards in Our Creations section while switching between media queries ?


Fluffy Kas 7,735



@sreehariv-code Hey, if you inspect the HTML you can see I switch images using a <picture> element.




Nice work.




Hi, very nice at your job. I really liked the animation of the button on the hamburger menu, the transition between the elements was very smooth, nice. Now what I think could improve is:

  • On your h1 to position the element instead of using the margin I would use the following:
.header-title {
    display: flex;
    justify-content: flex-start;
    align-items: center;

in my view it's not better to use gid or flex to position something instead of the margin itself. Then in each @media you would improve with flex to align instead of changing the margin

  • In the footer you could have placed the navigation items inside a <nav> tag like you did in the header

  • social-media items could be inside a <ul> instead of the <div>

  • I think that the footer breaks to a column very early, for me it should only stay that way when it reaches the size of a cell phone, in the tablet version I would place each of the content blocks one above the other, see https://prnt. sc/1tchs14. I've made some grotty changes to try and show how cool I think it would look in the tablet version, see

  • I particularly liked this "smoke" effect that you added to the photos, who knows if when the person hovers over it, this is a lightening in the photo, it would be really cool


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