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Maker Landing Page - Svelte, Intersection Observer, CSS Animations

Anna Leighβ€’ 5,135


Desktop design screenshot for the Maker pre-launch landing page coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

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Solution retrospective

Hi, everyone! This is my first Svelte project, so I'm sure there's much to be improved upon. Still getting used to component-based structure/development, but so far I like it!

Safari continues to plague me. In this project, the .invalid and focus styles for the input are not showing up in Safari, and I can't figure out why. Any insight into this will be greatly appreciated! The CSS mouse animation also had some serious issues in Safari, so I opted to have the original svg icon be displayed both in Safari and for those who prefer reduced motion. Solved: Turns out my Safari was out of date! πŸ˜… Everything works in 15.4 πŸ‘ Well, almost. Keyboard tabbing doesn't seem to pick up the maker logo in the header as a link. The outlines also display oddly on the attribution links when tabbing through them. πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

The animated mouse is heavily inspired by (read: blatantly stolen from and lightly tinkered with) Ryan Mulligan's CSS Site Scroll Micro Animation. Full list of resources in the README.

Please let me know what you think, especially if you see anything that can be improved upon. Feedback is always welcome! πŸ˜„

Community feedback

ApplePieGiraffeβ€’ 30,545



Hey, Anna! πŸ‘‹

Sorry it took me a while to view your solution! πŸ˜…

Overall, your solution looks very nice! Everything's on point and I really like the animation you added to the mouse icon in the hero section of the page! 🀩

Tiny bugβ€”I don't seem to be able to see the focus outline around the logo in the header of the page in Chrome for some reason. Not sure what's causing it, but off of the top of my headβ€”maybe the wrapper element around it has overflow set to hidden or something? 🀷

Also, don't know if you've figured this out about Safari yet, but you have to go to the Advanced settings in the preferences panel and explicitly enable "Press Tab to highlight each item on a webpage" in order to, well, tab to links. πŸ˜‰

Don't ask me why that behavior isn't the default like in all other major browsers. πŸ™„

Anyway, hope that helps a bit and keep coding! πŸ˜„

Marked as helpful


Anna Leighβ€’ 5,135



@ApplePieGiraffe Ack! Here I thought it was just a Safari problem. After a bit of fiddling, it seems the focus styles applied globally to links doesn't seem to cover it. However, I changed it so that the outline would apply to the image within the logo link when hovered, and that seems to work for...reasons (Edit: Seems like the reason is something to do with the display property. Looks like it needs to be set either on the element or the parent?). This also fixed it in Safari! πŸ‘ Turns out I did have that setting already ticked, but thanks for mentioning it - always good to double check, especially considering my "updating" mishap. πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ Cross-browser compatibility is always such a joy. πŸ˜†

Thanks for taking the time to drop in! Always appreciated. πŸ˜„

Daveβ€’ 5,245



Super lovely job!! Looks great!! πŸ™Œ

That Safari thing is a shame - I think focus it might be fixed in the latest version (15.4) but I'm still on 15.3 so I can't try it out.

Super nice job though!

Cheers Dave

Marked as helpful


Anna Leighβ€’ 5,135



@dwhenson Welp - turns out my Safari was out of date! After the upgrade, both the input focus styles and the animation goofiness sorted themselves out, so I can remove those workarounds in my next commit. Now the outlines on the logo link as well as the attribution aren't quite working correctly, but...I guess I can't win them all. πŸ˜†

Anyway - thanks! If you hadn't mentioned your Safari version, I wouldn't have even thought to check mine. Thought I had it on auto-update, but I was quite wrong. There's my profoundly stupid mistake for the week (or the day). Also thank you for the kind words and taking the time to leave feedback. Much appreciated. 😊

Daveβ€’ 5,245



@brasspetals yey!! Glad that solved it! Seems the last release of Safari includes a lot of good stuff - I should update my version too!

The Burrito Doggieβ€’ 1,260



Hey Anna!

I am really happy to see you have posted another project! :) I absolutely love it!!! All of the effects made it even better! I love the mouse animation the best! I enjoy looking at projects from you! Cheers!

Keep Coding!


Anna Leighβ€’ 5,135



@BurritoDoggie Thanks again for your kind words and for dropping in to look at my solution, Alyssa! 😊 Always appreciated.


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