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MERN Invoice App

Mathisβ€’ 770


Desktop design screenshot for the Invoice app coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Hi! This is my first MERN project!

So I used MongooDB, Express, React, NodeJS, Redux and Styled Components to code. I learned a lot about React and NodeJs by doing this awesome project! Feel free to comment my code

Community feedback

Adam Wattβ€’ 130



Everything looks great. I would change those animation times like Alex mentioned. I also noticed when you click an invoice and go to the single invoice page the Loading... appears in the top left corner instead of centered.

Marked as helpful


Mathisβ€’ 770



@AdamJWatt88 Thank you for your feedback.

I styled the loading, I had completely forgotten to style this loading.

Alexβ€’ 1,990



I would suggest it might be a good idea to either make this work without a login, or provide a demo user for people to use to login with

Some people may not be comfortable with you storing their email address and password, so you could be limiting the number of people that will click through and view your work.

Marked as helpful


Mathisβ€’ 770



@AlexKMarshall I have this feature but you have to first click on the Login/Register button then you have a link to avoid register or login.

But I think it's not that obvious so I will fix it. Thank you!

Alexβ€’ 1,990



@MathisHumbert cool, yeah I missed that option.

I've just taken a look now on mobile and it generally kinda very good. There's just a couple of things that could do with checking out.

On the new invoice form, on mobile it looks like the button text is all overlapping for the save as draft and save and send buttons, so they're not readable.

When the drawer animates out to display the form all the fields reflow as it changes size, which is a bit distracting. I presume that's because you're animating the container width or something similar (I've not checked in the code). If instead you animate transform - from translateY -100% to zero, then it will slide in from off screen, without changing size and that issue won't happen.

For my tastes all the animations are nice, but a bit too slow. This is a business application, where users would likely be doing a lot of data entry, and waiting for animations can be frustrating when you just want to get something done. I would be tempted to experiment with reducing the durations to a short as you can make them without them feeling rushed.

I'll try and take a longer look at things like semantics, accessibility and code structure when I'm on a desktop.

Marked as helpful

Mathisβ€’ 770



@AlexKMarshall Thank you for your feedback.

I changed the animation and used translateX -100% to zero. I have also reduced the time of the animation. Finally I changed the button font-size.


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