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mobile first FAQ accordion component build with SCSS, and JavaScript

Johnny 470


Desktop design screenshot for the FAQ accordion coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Hey guys, here i am again attempting another Frontend Mentor Challenge and i can't begin to describe how impactful this community has been to my growth. All the comments and suggestions helped me gain a substantial amount of confidence when i was working through the HTML/CSS projects when i first started here and i learned so much from the way other people did things and the broadened my view on things and i just want to say thank you to everyone here for being part of this community, because without you there would be no community and without this community, where would i be?

so if you're reading this right, i just want you to know i grateful for you being here. and yes this was a thank you speech 😁 but if you do have any comments about my HTML Structuring especially in regards to my choice of Semantic Elements to use, BEM naming, CSS, or JavaScript and you believe there is a better way i could've done things, please leave a comment, suggestion or recommendation (whatsoever), thank you very much.

Community feedback



This submission looks great kudos to you. Can you guys also review my profile and all the submissions i have made. Here my username @somu-code

Lucas 👾 104,520



Nice work my friend! I'm back!


Johnny 470



Lucas, my friend @correlucas. it's been a minute. hope you don't mind me following you on twitter.


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