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Mobile First Four Card Feature Section Using HTML and CSS(Flexbox)


Desktop design screenshot for the Four card feature section coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

This challenge was very useful for me in terms of building my confidence when laying out elements. Please I would like to know if I picked the best approach to aligning the cards and make them re-align down to mobile screen size. Your feedback is very important for my growth. That being said, if you could take a minute to review my work, I would really appreciate it. Thanks so much for your time.

Community feedback



@grace-snow I would really love a review from you, I love how you mentor people. please do me this favour


Grace 27,710



Hi @didyouseekyng

Sure, here are some pointers for you

  • you can only have one h1 per page. I would probably take the two you have and combine them into one (with spans wrapping each part for styling)
  • the image tags shouldn't be in figure elements
  • how you've done this with flexbox is fine, but it would be better to use css grid if possible. This is a perfect challenge for it.
  • change the base font size on the body not html element
  • you don't need a min-width of 375px on those cards. Even max-width of that might not be necessary. I would give them one max-width value thats relevant for all screen sizes (no min width) or just control their size with css grid if using that
  • personally I find some of your class names really difficult to understand. Mainly ones like first child second child etc. Those are confusing names because of the pseudo properties in css I think. Nth child means a direct child... So I recommend changing those
  • does font weight 280 exist? Same with 290. I don't think those are right.
  • try not to use pixels for font sizes. Use rems instead. I'd also use rems for min/max widths too, not ems. Do you understand the difference between these?

I hope this is helpful ☺

Marked as helpful




@grace-snow Thanks so much Grace, I'm not sure I would've spotted these bad habits all by myself, I would really love to keep in touch with you, and about my class names, I know I really have to work on that 😂😂 I really struggle with naming classes, so do you think I'd have to learn the BEM naming methodology? Believe me I actually tried using grid with the cards but It was quite challenging so I opted for Flexbox instead, guess I'll have to try it again using Grid, I love me a challenge. Honestly I'm still struggling with the CSS relative units I should practice using in my code, now that you've mentioned it, I'll definitely work on all these pointers, I really appreciate the time you've spent analysing my code, If only I could be your apprentice I wouldn't mind 😄


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