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Mobile first - Todo App(ReactJS, TypeScript and TailwindCSS)

Benjo Quilarioโ€ข 1,810


Desktop design screenshot for the Todo app coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

ello there! Thanks for checking out this project of mine.

This is my 26th frontendmentor challenge and my 6th intermediate frontend project. The project was made using Reactjs with TypeScript and tailwindCSS for designing the app, I just started to learn TypeScript that's why I want to build project written with typescripts. I really thought that it was easy but coding with typescript is pain in the *ss, especially if you're beginner like me, It not easy to me when writing in the props, because there's some props I don't want to used but typescript basically forced us to use it๐Ÿ˜….

but I also in love using typescript, it was just easier to debug because most of the problems you encounter in IDE or in compilation time. You don't need to console.log to check what the problems is. I also encountered that I don't know how to write and It basically forced me to use the any keyword๐Ÿ˜…. There still many to learn about typescript and I believe it will improve in no time.

Some features on the page that I added:

  • One of the best features of this one is the drag and drop, if you want to change the todo that you want to finish first just drag and drop the items.
  • Local Storage in the browser, I stored the data in local storage so that it will not fade the items after the browser refresh.

Overall, I am very happy with how the application turned out. I am sure it can be improved, but it was a great learning experience that I intend to build upon.

Any additional feedback or a criticism will be appreciated!

Community feedback

Shashree Samuelโ€ข 9,260



Hey good job completing this challenge

Keep up the good work

Your solution looks great however I think that the placeholder text in the input field needs to have less opacity as seen in the design.

In terms of your accessibility issues simply wrap all your content between main tags

I hope this helps

Cheers Happy coding ๐Ÿ‘

Marked as helpful


Benjo Quilarioโ€ข 1,810




oh yeah! I didn't even notice, btw thank you.


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