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Mobile-first 3-column-preview-card example

Grace 27,650


Desktop design screenshot for the 3-column preview card component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

No specific questions, but as always feel free to suggest improvements or question why I've done things the way I have.

I would usually create spacer variables for use on things like font-sizes and paddings, but didn't for this one as it's so small and as I don't have the original design files. This means I am just guessing on sizes - hence random 'magic numbers' in the scss

Community feedback

Shashi Lo 1,345



Great job Grace. I really enjoyed how thorough you were with accessibility. The H1 was a nice touch. I did find some things that I'd like to highlight:

  • The naming convention doesn't follow a true BEM naming. There looks to be nested block names inside elements. EX: c-showcase__card-title
  • I'm not sure why you're using EM units in c-showcase__card-btn when you already have REM set to 16px as the default. This will be a problem if you every nested this component.

And now for the nit picky items:

  • The width and height of both desktop and mobile are off. Desktop more than mobile. On Desktop, because your solution is smaller, all of the margins and paddings do not match the design.
  • The content inside the card, space between image, title, body, and button are off.
  • The button padding is not accurate.
  • The card body content has an opacity of 0.9 right now, but the design looks much lighter.
  • I'm not sure what justifies the breakpoint at 680px. I'm used to using a common standard breakpoint < 768px which will accommodate for all mobile/tablet screens from 0 to 767px.

Grace 27,650



Thanks @shashilo

  1. The naming follows a component naming system that still uses BEM. The component is treated as the only block
  2. I intentionally use em for padding on buttons so that it will scale when the font size is changed. This allows for size modifiers that only need to change the font size (btn—large) and can improve readability for supe-enlarged and/or zoomed views because the space around the element increases proportionally

With all the others I don’t even try to match specifics on these challenges. If I was pro member I would have and use the figma file to make these accurate, but am not going to worry about that when working from static images 😊

Shashi Lo 1,345



BEM can be enhanced to whatever you and your team feels is best. I was just mentioning that it didn't follow the proper BEM mythology.

If you want the font to be responsive, you should use clamp() instead of EM. Clamp() is a more stable and modern way to make responsive fonts.

Correct. The goal isn't to be pixel perfect, but it you should have a high level of detail when you implement. I too am not a Pro member, but I can see issues by pulling up the design and implementations side x side. I've worked with several designers and product owners who cared about every single pixel. I was lazy with my implementations early in my career until I was pushed to implement pixel perfect to what the designer had provided. They put their research and skills into designs, it's our job to make them come to life. So they're going to ensure that this process is as precise as possible.

Vanza Setia 27,855



👋Hi Grace!

Your solution looks great on landscape and portrait mobile view 🙌.

I have some questions for you:

  • I notice that you prefix most the class name with c-. What is that for?
  • Also, for the car icons, do you think all images needs width and height attribute for better CLS? The idea is coming from a web dev article about Optimize Cumulative Layout that I read.
  • Is there a specific reason to use CSS custom properties instead of Sass variables?

That's it! Thanks in advance!


Grace 27,650



@vanzasetia that’s a good point, they should have width and height really. And that’s easy to add in this case.

The c- prefix stands for component. Strictly speaking I would also use other prefixes like u- for global utility classes etc but I find this is the only one needed a lot of the time (in a real project, I know everything about this will live in the components directory)

CSS custom properties can be changed “live” in the browser so are particularly useful for things like color theme toggles (I’m way over simplifying but that’s one common use/reason). In this particular challenge I could use either and it would make no difference




Hi Grace! Just curious why the container div is a div instead of something like a ul. This layout is very common and I'm still learning accessibility so I'd like to know :-) Looks awesome of course 🙌🏼


Grace 27,650



@emestabillo there’s just no reason for it to be a ul. This is standard content that has headings, text and link so the headings already provide enough structure.

Assistive tech users commonly complain that list-itis is the new div-itis these days now that card-based designs are so popular. I would only use a list for card listing component or search results using cards or something if there are loads of them and if it’s helpful for a user to know how many are there and that isn’t communicated anywhere else.

I considered using article or section in here for the cards but again it doesn’t add anything. Article is really for when content could be distributable and section for more distinct content that deserves the extra announcement.


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