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Multy Step Form


Desktop design screenshot for the Multi-step form coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

i know i know... i need to improve Js and CSS

Community feedback



Hello there 👋. Congratulations on successfully completing the challenge! 🎉

  • I have other recommendations regarding your code that I believe will be of great interest to you.


  • This solution had generated accessibility error report due to lack of level-one heading <h1>
  • Every site must want at least one h1 element identifying and describing the main content of the page.
  • An h1 heading provides an important navigation point for users of assistive technologies, allowing them to easily find the main content of the page.
  • So we want to add a level-one heading to improve accessibility by reading aloud the heading by screen readers, you can achieve this by adding a sr-only class to hide it from visual users (it will be useful for visually impaired users)

CSS 🎨:

  • Looks like you already the centered the component, but the issue is the height: -webkit-fill-available; is not an appropriate way to apply height to body element. So apply the following css rule to center the component accurately
body {
    min-height: 100vh;


I hope you find this helpful 😄 Above all, the solution you submitted is great !

Happy coding!

Marked as helpful




@0xAbdulKhalid this webkit is nonsense... have to find some other way, thanks




The change button at the final screen where there is a submit button is not working. Great work Dude

Marked as helpful




@Fredeugine yeah thanks, i missed couple things, didnt include 2 months discount as well.. just missed


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