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Newsletter Signup

Ally Glenday• 20


Desktop design screenshot for the Newsletter sign-up form with success message coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
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First submission using HTML, CSS & JavaScript - so any help / feedback would be amazing!

I wanted to have the user's input (email address) displayed back to them on the sucess page, but I can't seem to be able to show it using the DOM. I saved it as a variable and I can console.log it / alert their email on the success page, so I know this can be done. However, when I try to convert this into an HTML element, e.g. <span> or <p> to be shown on the page instead of '[email protected]', it doesn't seem to work.

If anyone has any ideas why this is, I'd hugely appreciate it!

Thanks :)

Community feedback



congratulations on completing the challenge! you can use localstorage to set the email for the purpose of this challenge then, get the localstorage value, and inject it into DOM

but in the real job scenario, i think you need to store it in some sort of database

Marked as helpful


Ally Glenday• 20




Hey Azzy, thanks so much for your comment! I actually tried using the local storage method, but for some reason I still can't get it to show the HTML! :(

I can console.log the user's email with local storage, but when I try to add this to the DOM, it won't load and says the function is 'null' :/

Wasiu Mustapha• 40



To make the email input value show on the submit page, create an empty <span></span> where the email value should be in your html, give it an id( say mymail). In JavaScript, get the id. Then, to display it use DOM manipulation: mymail.innerHTML = " " + input.value +". " Then, for the dismiss button don't forget to set input.value to empty, so it doesn't show in the input field again. Check my js code for clarity.


Ally Glenday• 20




Hey Wasiu, thanks so much for your comment! I've tried what you've suggested a lot of different times now, but for some reason I can't get it to work :( Would you be able to see what the problem is at all?

I've been struggling with this for so long now! Thanks so much :)

Wasiu Mustapha• 40



I couldn't see your complete js code but check this in your code:

  1. Did you get the form input id/class using the document.get or querySelector method? Otherwise, input.value won't work in step 2👇
  2. Did you target the form submit event listener and make sure you specify what happens when the button is clicked? This is where you manipulate the DOM.

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