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NFT card using pure css (sass)

notabhishekraiβ€’ 180


Desktop design screenshot for the NFT preview card component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Feedbacks are highly appreciated :)

Community feedback

Graceβ€’ 27,630




I'm afraid you need to rewrite quite a bit of the html on this...

Anything that has a hover style in the designs means it is interactive. That is a signal to you that you must use an interactive element there (eg a button for actions like toggles or an anchor tag for something that triggers navigation). This is essential.

You are misusing the figure element a lot here too. Figure and figcaption are for encapsulating content that needs a caption. That might be an image, a chart, a blockquote or other content that needs further explanation. It is not meant to be used unless you need that caption. It makes no sense to use figcaption for an icon - the clock and the symbol are decorative, they add no value to the content. So those icons should have empty alt attributes and not be captioned - the text is a simple paragraph tag imo

I hope this helps you

Marked as helpful


notabhishekraiβ€’ 180



@grace-snow thanks alot! I do need alot of improvements in structuring html. I seem to make things work but with wrong approach so this will help me alot. If you could comment on my github code that would really mean the world to me.

Andrewβ€’ 90



Hiii, I need improvements on my code so ama learn from yours. In my eyes this is a 10 out of 10 so Well doneπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Marked as helpful


notabhishekraiβ€’ 180



@L1m1tz Thanks mate. Although I also need to improve a lot :)

Travolgi πŸ•β€’ 31,500



Hi Notabhishekrai, great work on this challenge! πŸ˜‰

Here are a few tips for improve your code:

  • add main tag and wrap the card for improve the Accessibility
  • add descriptive text in the alt attribute of the image
  • add transition on the element with hover effect
  • instead of using px use relative units of measurement like rem -> read here

Overall you did well 😁 Hope this help!

Marked as helpful


notabhishekraiβ€’ 180



@denielden thanks mate. Will definately try this.


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