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wisdomβ€’ 10


Desktop design screenshot for the NFT preview card component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

i need some help with using box shadow for this code And also some helping in reducing the thickness of an horizontal line

Community feedback

Remus D. Buhaianuβ€’ 3,145



Hey @wisdompython , good job on completing this challenge!

I had a look at your final solution and I have a few suggestions that I hope will be useful to you:

  • Don't use a fixed height on your card element, especially not with an absolute unit such as px. Your layout should be built around the available content.

  • Set min-height: 100vh on your body element if you want to center vertically and horizontally everything inside it.

  • Wrap your card inside a <main></main> element to remove some of the errors from your report

  • Add the alt attribute to your img element - if the img is just for decorative purposes, then you can simply write alt=""

  • The 2 text hover effects and the image overlay hover effect are missing from your solution. Consider implementing them using the :hover pseudo-class

  • You don't need an hr to create that line. You can set a border-top property on your footer and then also add a padding-top to push the line away from the content

Hope my suggestions will be useful to you. Keep up the good work!

Marked as helpful

Abhikβ€’ 4,840



πŸ‘‹ Hello Wisdom , Your solution is nice & I liked it . However I have some suggestions that might make this solution even nicer :

  • body should have min-height : 100vh; so that the card is in the center of screen
  • using px values as border-radius can make the card a perfect rounded corner rectangle
  • removing border-style:solid; in card-body make it look better
  • you can play with the box shadow values of card-body to produce a nicer shadow
box-shadow: 0px 0px 10px hsl(217deg 78% 5%), 0px 10px 10px hsl(216deg 50% 16%), 0px 20px 20px hsl(217deg 78% 5%), 0px 0px 10px hsl(220deg 55% 22%);

Other than those your solution is good enough , Please keep up with this good work πŸ‘

Marked as helpful


wisdomβ€’ 10



@abhik-b Thank you very much, i really appreciate it i actually forgot to remove the border style, thats silly of me!!

Thank you so much

PerfectPixlβ€’ 20



Hey @wisdompython! Great job! Keep coding! Improve your web developer skills. What about h1:hover {color: anothercolor;} ? Please see design files of your challange. Wish you happy coding!


wisdomβ€’ 10



@PerfectPixl Thanks so much, i forgot about it. Thank you very much


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