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NFT Preview Card Component using SASS

Kevin Copo 150


Desktop design screenshot for the NFT preview card component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Community feedback



Congratulations on completing this challenge Kevin!

I have been taking a peek at your solution, and everything looks very well designed! There are, however, a couple of small things I do want to share with you.

These points are related to making your design look a little more like the mobile design given to you.

  1. The padding of your section with class .card should be a little larger. I have been trying to figure out the right value, and this should be approximately 2.5rem.
  2. The title (your <h2>) should be a little bigger. You should increase the font size to 2.3rem.
  3. The font-weight CSS property in file _typography.scss on line 8, contains an invalid value. You used the value of light, but I think you meant lighter. The CSS declaration is now invalid due to this mistake.
  4. You should decrease the font size of the .card__review class from 1.8rem to 1.7rem. In combination with font-weight: lighter, the text looks a little more according to the design.
  5. The text in <p> (0.041 ETH) should be a little smaller. I have been trying to figure out the right value, and this should be approximately a font size of 1.7rem The text in <p> (3 days left) and <p> with class .card__div--2__review should not have a font-weight of bold (if I am seeing this right in the design). If you changed the font size of prior point, you should also set the font size on both<p> elements to 1.7rem for consistency.

The following point is related to your hover state of the image:

  1. You should change your opacity: 0.7 to opacity: .5 (.5 is the same as 0.5). This way, the cube in the image can be seen a little easier (such as seen in the design).

I also took a look at your CSS, but I am not seeing anything that you should pay attention to.

I hope you can do something with the feedback I gave you. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask me.

If I made a mistake somewhere in this post, feel free to correct me and keep building awesome things :D.

Kevin Copo 150



Thank you so much fot the feedback !


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