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NFT Preview Card Flexbox

Muhammad Tatmaβ€’ 20


Desktop design screenshot for the NFT preview card component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
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Solution retrospective

at first i find it difficult to implement hover in the image, finally i use CSS background-image property and HSLA color. is there any other approach to do that ? did i use correct html tag based on the semantic ? any feedback and suggestions are very welcome !

Community feedback

Alexβ€’ 1,990



A note here about semantic tags.

Interactive elements must be either buttons (if they do something like submit a form) or anchors (if they are a link for navigation). Whenever you see a hover-effect in a design, that implies it is an interactive element.

So here, the image and the heading and the username must all be wrapped in interactive elements. Those will then get :hover and :focus or :focus-visible styles in the css.

Thinking about this further still. The design doesn't specify whether these should be buttons or anchors. But if we imagine a real card. Probably when we click on the title we would go to a detail page. And when we click on a username then we'd go to that user's profile. So those should both be in anchor tags. When we click on the image, we might expect a bigger version of the image to open in a lightbox overlay. In which case it should be a button. Or it might navigate to a full page with a large image, in which case it should be an anchor. You can decide which makes most sense there.

Marked as helpful


Muhammad Tatmaβ€’ 20



hey @AlexKMarshall thank you for taking your time to check my work and giving suggestion with well explanation. helped me to improve and keep going, very much appreciated. i'll try to implement all mentioned points as you suggested

PhoenixDev22β€’ 16,990



Hello @MuhammadTatma ,

I have some suggestions regarding your solution:

  • Anything with a hover style in design means it's interactive. you need to add an interactive element<a> around the image , Equilibrium #3429 and Jules Wyvern . As (@AlexKMarshall) well explained.

  • For any decorative images, each img tag should have empty alt="" as you didand aria-hidden="true" attributes to make all web assistive technologies such as screen reader ignore those images in( icon-ethereum, icon-clock ).

  • In the avatar's alt shouldn't be image in the alt.Read more how to write an alt text

  • the link should be wrapping the main image and either have Sr-only text, an aria-label or alt text that says where that link takes you.

  • There are so many ways to add the hover effect on the image , The one I would use pseudo-elements to change the teal bg color to a hsla. Then opacity can be changed from 0 to 1 on the pseudo element on hover as there is no reason to have the extra clutter . overlay in the html.

  • You can use <ul> to wrap the class="info", and in each <li> there would be <img> and <p>.

  • No need for<hr> , you simply can use border-top: rule to the class="creator"

Overall , your solution is good. Hopefuly this feedback helps.

Marked as helpful


Muhammad Tatmaβ€’ 20



hey @PhoenixDev22 thank you for taking your time to check my work and giving suggestion with well explanation and useful resource. helped me to improve and keep going, very much appreciated. i'll try to implement all mentioned points as you suggested

Travolgi πŸ•β€’ 31,460



Hi Muhammad, I took some time to look at your solution and you did a great job!

Also add descriptive text in the alt attribute of the image and try to add a little transition on the element with hover effect

Overall you did well :)

Hope this help and happy coding!

Marked as helpful


Muhammad Tatmaβ€’ 20



hey @denielden thank you for taking your time and check my solution, helped me to improve and keep going, very much appreciated. i'll give it a try.


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