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NFT Preview card using HTML,CSS Grid & Flex

Peter 270


Desktop design screenshot for the NFT preview card component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Unfortunately, I couldn't get the hover, active, and focus properties right and hence, ignored it. I'd appreciate if someone can link a tutorial on how to effectively add hover, active, and focus states to an image tag.

Community feedback




Dear Peter,

I liked your solution to the NTF Preview Card, thought the comparison slider doesn't do it justice. I think something was off when you took the screen shot. When I pull up the site, everything looks correct.

Here are just a couple of pieces of advice that may help you along to the next step:

  1. Your accessibility report came back with an error. What this error is pointing out is that you should have and <h1> somewhere in the beginning and in a semantically appropriate place (such as a <nav>, <header>,< main>, or <footer>).
  • The <h1> is for screen readers only. Obviously, in this case, you do not need an <h1> for a component, but the screen reader is looking for one to help announce to the user what connection this component has with the overall subject. In this case, a heading such as "User Contributions to Relaxing Music" or something like that.
  • The <h1> needs to be hidden from the viewer, but still exist. The way to accomplish this is to insert the <h1> in the HTML, but style it in the CSS as having a display: none. In addition, some sources suggest: height: 1px; width: 1px; position: absolute; left: 3000px. The most important thing is to remove it from sight (and HTML flow - hence the absolute positioning and the display property set to "none") but have it there for the screen reader.
  1. Hover effects: As I glanced over a couple of your other projects, I noticed that they, too, were missing the hover effects. Using hover effects, in fact all pseudo-classes, is quite easy once you know how. Here is a tutorial from W3Schools that might help.
  • In short, when you write your CSS, for example for and <h1>, it might look something like this:

h1 { font-size: 25px; color: green; background-color: beige; padding-left: 30px; }

  • However, when you hover over it, let's say you want it to turn from green to blue and make the cursor into a hand. First, write the same selector in a new entry, but this time add a colon plus the name of the selector (:hover or :active or :link etc.). Once you do that, just restyle the elements you want to change, for example:

h1:hover { color: blue; cursor: pointer; }

  • Now, every time the mouse hovers over the <h1>, the cursor will turn into a hand and the text will turn blue.
  • You can even change just a part of a text element by just surrounding that part with a <span> and styling its hover elements separately.

Anyway, I hope this helps. Thanks for letting me take a look at your solution. I love your organization, use of variables, and easy to read style. I can't wait to see you try the "hover" solution soon. Check out the other pseudo classes (and pseudo elements, for that matter)! Keep up the good work!

Best wishes!


Marked as helpful


Peter 270



@jguleserian This was wholesome bro. I learnt a lot. Thanks for taking your time to further explain. I'll work on 'em immediately



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