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Order Summary

JJโ€ข 160


Desktop design screenshot for the Order summary component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Can I improve this code ?

Especially for the responsive part, I think I can improve it.

Thks !


Community feedback



Instead of using

<button class="process_btn"><a href="#">Proceed to Payment</a></button>

try to use only button tag or only a tag, don't use them together. a tag is usually goof if you are going to move to different page and button is good for submitting forms, for example, or for popups, modal, togging - something that doesn't redirect to somewhere else

Marked as helpful


JJโ€ข 160



@catherineisonline Thks !


Sinisa Vukmirovicโ€ข 1,690




Yes you can improve your code, any code can be improved.

Start by using more semantic elements not just <main> tag.

Also, to fix errors in your report, it cannot be link <a> inside of <button>. It is either-or. Either link or a button. Link shouldn't be inside of a button.

Some guideline when to use link and when to use button, are:

  • Use link when clicking on it does something to change/affects the site. Change the page, modal pops up, something like that.
  • Use button when clicking on it doesn't change/affects the side. Submit button of some form, something like that.

Hope this helps!

Marked as helpful


JJโ€ข 160



@SinisaVukmirovic Hello !

All right, I change and I left only the a tag. Thanks for the explanation.

For your first point, when you said that I have to use more semantic elements, you mean I should use them instead of using the div tag ?

Thanks !


Sinisa Vukmirovicโ€ข 1,690



@JeremyPaymal Some instead and some to hold the DIVs inside of them. It depends on the structure of the site. Each site is different.

Marked as helpful


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