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Order Summary Component Challenge



Desktop design screenshot for the Order summary component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Community feedback

Shahin Aliyarli• 680



Hey @Islandstone89,

I checked out your Frontend Mentor challenge project for the Order Summary Card, and I must say, you've done an excellent job! Your project looks polished and well-structured. Here are some specific tips to help you take your project to the next level:

1 - Font Preloading: Great job on using Google Fonts for typography! To optimize font loading and prevent delays, consider adding the preload tag for the font in the <head> of your HTML. This ensures the font is ready when needed.

2 - CSS Custom Properties: I love how you've used CSS custom properties (variables) for colors and font weights. This approach makes it easy to maintain a consistent design throughout your project. Keep up the good work!

3 - Responsive Design: Your use of media queries and the viewport meta tag shows that you've prioritized responsiveness. To ensure a flawless experience on all devices, test your project across various screen sizes, and make any necessary adjustments.

4 - Hover Transitions: Your link hover transitions provide a nice touch of interactivity. To add a bit more flair, consider adding a smooth transition effect to the "Cancel Order" button similar to what you've done with the "Change" link.

5 - Accessibility: It's awesome to see your attention to accessibility! To enhance it even further, ensure that all images have descriptive alt text and that your HTML structure maintains semantic elements for improved screen reader compatibility.

6 - CSS Flexbox Mastery: Your use of Flexbox for layout is spot-on. As you continue developing, experiment with Flexbox's justify-content and align-items properties to fine-tune your layouts.

7 - Button Styling: Your button styles are clear and concise. To make the user experience more engaging, consider adding a subtle animation or transition effect when users interact with buttons, enhancing their visual feedback.

8 - Code Comments: While your code is clean, consider adding comments to sections that might benefit from additional explanation. This will be especially helpful for collaborators or for revisiting the project in the future.

9 - Optimized Images: Your use of images adds a nice visual touch. To further optimize your project's loading times, consider compressing your images using online tools or software like ImageMagick.

10 - Maintain Consistency: Keeping a consistent code style—such as aligning attributes and properties—enhances readability. Also, consider using consistent class naming conventions for a cohesive codebase.

Keep up the fantastic work! Your attention to detail and commitment to creating a polished project really shine through. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your projects in the future. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or if you'd like more feedback.

Marked as helpful




Hi, thanks a lot for the great feedback! Glad to know I'm getting the basics right.

I didn't know about the font preloading. I added it as an attribute, let me know if I have everything I need.

Animations and transitions are a bit of a weak point for me atm, I only know the most basic ones. I changed the transition time from .2s to .5s on the "Cancel Order" button.

I'll update my repo, please let me know if there's more I need to do, and thanks once again for the positive and constructive feedback :)


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