I think it's great! Take a look at bezier-curves to see how you can make the background have that wavy effect. Or, use two circles and position them in CSS. :)
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@Dainaa yeah thanks for your suggestion. I added the background. well, can you please tell me how can I make a wavy effect with two circles?
@Tiyana19 Sure! Here's an example, quickly put together and best viewed at widths 1000px or lower. https://codepen.io/dainaa-the-lessful/pen/dyRQQwG?editors=1100 ^ Go to the link and change the colors of all the elements to see where they are, and you'll get an idea of what's going on. It's a quick hacky sort of way to get a decent background if you've got fixed dimensions. Play around with some CSS and you can do a bunch of things this way.
Also, my bad about bezier-curves, I forgot that they're a timing thing and not a drawing thing, so you can't use those to draw on your webpage. Oopsie :)
If you need perhaps something more detailed, I'd recommend you read up on HTML Canvas on w3schools.com, or similar.
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@Dainaa Thank you so much... I got to know this new way to set the wavy look. but I want to ask you one more question, in your pen you set position to absolute to both circles but then why didn't you set position to a relative in their parent element?
@Tiyana19 You could, technically we try to position absolute elements relative to their parents. If no parent with a position property is found, then the absolute positioning is applied relative to the viewport. I was able to set up the circles to convey the idea without it, but you're right it is probably good practice to do so :)
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@Dainaa Thank you so much 😊 You solved my one of question actually few days ago I set a card element to center using bootstrap class it was also position to absolute but mine element was also not had any parent element so I also can't set the position relative but it still worked so I was really confused that how does it happen. Bot now I understand 😃
@Tiyana19 Anytime!