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Order summary Component using HTML and CSS

Taruna 305


Desktop design screenshot for the Order summary component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Feel free to tell me the things that I need to improve. I'm a beginner frontend developer so your thoughts will teach me a lot.

Community feedback

Dainaa 175



I think it's great! Take a look at bezier-curves to see how you can make the background have that wavy effect. Or, use two circles and position them in CSS. :)

Marked as helpful


Taruna 305



@Dainaa yeah thanks for your suggestion. I added the background. well, can you please tell me how can I make a wavy effect with two circles?

Dainaa 175



@Tiyana19 Sure! Here's an example, quickly put together and best viewed at widths 1000px or lower. ^ Go to the link and change the colors of all the elements to see where they are, and you'll get an idea of what's going on. It's a quick hacky sort of way to get a decent background if you've got fixed dimensions. Play around with some CSS and you can do a bunch of things this way.

Also, my bad about bezier-curves, I forgot that they're a timing thing and not a drawing thing, so you can't use those to draw on your webpage. Oopsie :)

If you need perhaps something more detailed, I'd recommend you read up on HTML Canvas on, or similar.

Marked as helpful

Taruna 305



@Dainaa Thank you so much... I got to know this new way to set the wavy look. but I want to ask you one more question, in your pen you set position to absolute to both circles but then why didn't you set position to a relative in their parent element?

Dainaa 175



@Tiyana19 You could, technically we try to position absolute elements relative to their parents. If no parent with a position property is found, then the absolute positioning is applied relative to the viewport. I was able to set up the circles to convey the idea without it, but you're right it is probably good practice to do so :)

Marked as helpful

Taruna 305



@Dainaa Thank you so much 😊 You solved my one of question actually few days ago I set a card element to center using bootstrap class it was also position to absolute but mine element was also not had any parent element so I also can't set the position relative but it still worked so I was really confused that how does it happen. Bot now I understand 😃

Dainaa 175



@Tiyana19 Anytime!

Nic 595



This looks great. Your class naming and CSS organisation are good, so I could tell which each bit was referring to in the CSS without having to look at the HTML. I really like the focus states on the buttons.

In your GitHub readme, the screenshot isn't showing. At the moment you have:


What you want is something like:


(with a small i on images, rather than Images). The bit in square brackets is the alt text.

Marked as helpful


Taruna 305



@nicm42 thank you so much... I also thought, why my screenshot is not showing but now it works. but I don't understand that thing in the square brackets can you please explain it to me...

Nic 595



@Tiyana19 It's how you do images in markdown. It's like having your image src in normal brackets and your image alt in square brackets with an exclamation mark in front.

In HTML you'd have

<img src="image.jpg" alt="This is an image">

In markdown you have

![This is an image](image.jpg)

Marked as helpful

Taruna 305



@nicm42 ok I understand what you said but then why did you put [Desktop], I mean it does that images that are in a folder and that don't have any alt text, their alt text would be [Desktop]? By the way, Thank you so much I didn't know about this thing before.

Nic 595



@Tiyana19 Images don't have alt text intrinsically, you have to add it in HTML or markdown. I put [Desktop] because I copied one of mine and forgot to change it to something that made more sense on its own :) It means that the alt text will be Desktop.

Marked as helpful

Taruna 305



@nicm42 ok I got it Thank you so much 😊


Account Deleted

Its good not bad Keep doing challenges Good luck 👋


Taruna 305



@YoussefMuhamedElgohre Thanks


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