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Payment card for music listener


Desktop design screenshot for the Order summary component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

I had some problems with the price part, I don't know how to place the elements correctly. How can we see the smartphone view on pc ?? I didn't do the media queries because of that.

Community feedback



I did it again and now the links are working : repository : live site :

Thanks for your advices and taking your time for me.

Nic 595



The links to the site and the code don't work, they just give page not found errors.

To see the phone view on a computer depends a bit on which browser you're using, but it's broadly the same on all of them. If you open the dev tools (by pressing F12), then somewhere at the top will be an icon of a phone in front of a tablet. In Chrome it's the second from the left (after the arrow), in Firefox it's third from the right (before the three dots). If you click on the icon then it'll go into mobile view. You can choose from a set of phones or tablets, or choose the Responsive option, which lets you type in the width and height, or drag the view from the bottom right corner to whatever size you like.


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