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Pod Request Access Landing Page - Svelte, SCSS

Lynette Lopez• 30


Desktop design screenshot for the Pod request access landing page coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

There's nothing like struggling with a challenge labeled "NEWBIE" to really knock you down a few pegs. 😅 Front-end design is one of those things I've always assumed I know how to do because it comes easier than back-end work, but this first challenge showed me all the blindspots I had.

1.) Mobile-first responsive design. I spent longer than I should've deciding on breakpoints and then constantly had to adjust them. The spacing transitioning from a desktop to an iPad was especially tricky. If anyone has tips on how to choose/maintain a uniform set of breakpoints, I'd love to hear them!

2.) Svelte. I took this chance to learn a new technology: Svelte. And I loved it! It made it easy to separate and keep track of the different components, I didn't have to worry about BEM naming conventions, and the code looks cleaner IMO. However, I wasn't able to figure out how to get the validation on the form working for when a user tries to submit an empty email address field using Svelte logic. (So you'll notice that the error is the same even though it should change.)

3.) Form validation. This was an unexpected pain point towards the end. If anyone knows how to turn off the automatic form validation error messages that come up in chrome (and overlap the CSS I wrote), PLEASE let me know. I couldn't figure out how to make only one error message come up.

4.) Hiding form labels. To fit the design, I had to hide the form label for the email address input field while also making sure screen readers could see it. I found my solution on StackOverflow, but how do most of you do it?

Thank you!

Community feedback

Tereza• 605



Hello, I did not see you code, but I think that answer for 3rd point is, that you have to not write type=email and require into input tag. Browser knows what it means and it tries to validate it. Nice work.


Lynette Lopez• 30



Thank you! I'll try that.

Arsh Karpoor• 940




Very Nice


Lynette Lopez• 30



Thank you!

Bruce B• 505



Concerning the label on the email address, visually hiding it like you did is perfectly acceptable and a common solution. Really, the designer needs to be aware of these accessibility issues and integrate them into the design so we don't have to hide these things in the first place. My sense is that the designer mistakenly thinks that using a placeholder in place of a label is accessible. Besides, the placeholder should give an example of what you want the user to type in, not just restate the label, so it's not even really a proper use of a place holder.

I have seen some solutions where the developer will float the label text over the input box, as if it were acting as a placeholder, and then when the user activates the input the label floats up above the input.

One thing about your label, the for attribute needs to point to the id of the input it is labeling. So give that input an id and set the for attribute to that id.


Lynette Lopez• 30



I came to the same conclusion you did in your first paragraph while coding. I went back and forth on how to keep everything accessible while still adhering to the design and ultimately just hid it. For my next challenge, though, I might just do the floating-above-the-input design you mentioned. It sounds cleaner.

Thank you!!


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