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Pricing Component with Toggle [Vanilla JS] + SASS + Mobile First

AKโ€ข 6,700


Desktop design screenshot for the Pricing component with toggle coding challenge

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  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
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Hi! Really good and easy challenge, I tried to make it pixel perfect but I am happy with final output and I would like to get feedback, suggestion for any kind of improvement. Even I made it accessible. Let me know what you think

Community feedback

Faris Pโ€ข 2,810



Nicely done ๐Ÿ‘Œ

In addition to what @minimalsm said, my suggestion would be to make the toggle button accessible for keyboard users. Because, currently, the toggle button is not focusable.

For that, instead of using dispaly: none; to hide the checkbox from the screen, I'd suggest using something like opacity: 0; height: 1px; width: 1px; (like an .sr-only class). So that the checkbox is still there in the DOM, but users won't be able to see it. Then you can simply add the focus styles when the checkbox is focused. For eg: .checkbox:focus ~ .toggle-btn { outline: solid 2px white; }. You might need to change your markup a bit for this to work, though.

Hope it's all understandable :)

Marked as helpful


AKโ€ข 6,700



@FarisPalayi Thank You, Actually I am learning, I do not know much about accessibility, but slowly I will make progress, now I changes my code and it is now focusable and accessible with keyboard.

Faris Pโ€ข 2,810



@skyv26 You are using tabindexes to make the elements focusable, you shouldn't be using tabindexes on elements that are not already interactive. I get why you used it for this purpose, because, I was also someone who used it without knowing its effect on accessibility. It's one of those things that you only should use if you absolutely have to. It's glad to know that you are learning accessibility. Because, it's neglected by a lot of developers.

Here are some resources that helped me when I was first getting into accessibility. Free accessibility course by Google, Web accessibility - MDN, Accessibility - W3C.

Also, I'm not an expert in this thing or anything, I'm also someone who is learning accessibility. Have fun learning and coding โœจ

Marked as helpful

AKโ€ข 6,700



@FarisPalayi Thank You ! But can please tell me what should I use instead of tab-indexes ?

Joshuaโ€ข 25



Hey @skyv26, this looks great ๐Ÿ˜€

A few things I'd change

    1. Your whites are getting washed out by the background-color (#F6F6FD). I think the design calls for using pure white (#FFF).
    1. You have some inconsistent spacing in your markup (e.g. double space here: <article class="article article-2">) which could use cleaning up.
    1. The toggle button's circle should be larger to match the design.

Marked as helpful


AKโ€ข 6,700



@minimalsm Thank you

Tomiโ€ข 565



Looks good. You forgot to add the hover states for the buttons and the toggle button.

As for making the toggle button work with the keyboard I used the onkeyup event listener and e.key === 'Enter' to enable that functionality.

Hope this helps ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ

Marked as helpful

Anosha Ahmedโ€ข 9,340



You did really good. For box shadow you did: 0 10px 10px -1px rgb(109 112 141 / 10%) but i think if you change the last value to -1px, it would be a bit closer to what the design is. like box-shadow: 0 10px 10px -1px rgb(109 112 141 / 10%)

Marked as helpful


AKโ€ข 6,700



@anoshaahmed Thank you Anosha


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