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Product Preview Card

Paula 40


Desktop design screenshot for the Product preview card component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
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Solution retrospective

I've had a problem with vertical alignment of the product-card for the desktop resolution. I've chosen the method with margin top and bottom to center it (I know it's not the right way:)). But my question is, how can I vertically center the product-card? Do you have any other suggestions over the way I've structured/styled the project? I'm still a newbie trying my best:)

Thank you for your answers!

Community feedback



Hello, Paula👋

Congratulations on completing your first challenge👏 Your solutions responds really well on different screen sizes.

Like others have said, you have two basic options when it comes to vertically align your product card component:

  • You can use position: absolute on the main tag and then center the card with transform: translate() like the example below:
main {
  position: absolute;
  top: 50%;
  left: 50%;
  transform: translate(-50%, -50%);

And for the containing div you would do the following:

#container {
  position: relative;
  min-height: 100vh;
  width: 100%;

min-height is set to 100vh to make the container div occupy the whole viewport height, allowing the product card to be centered.

  • You can also set the containing div to display: flex along with align-items: center, justify-content: center. More on that here 👉How to Center in CSS with Flexbox

Hope you find this helpuf! Happy coding😎

Marked as helpful

Moataz 210



Hello, paula. yes we have a lot of methodes to vertical alignment of the product-card. for instance, you can use the flexbox in the body 2-you can use the position (absolute) to the main div then use the transform (translate). Now, you are having two ways to do that choose anyone you like and search to find more. good luck to you.


Account Deleted

Hi Paula,

Nice work, this looks great! I had a look and I see you used grid for this project, which is awesome!! The way I center vertically with grid is by having a wrapper container set as display grid with align-items:center, and then a container for all contents, that also has display grid with justify-content center. The wrapper aligns vertically, and the container aligns horizontally if that makes sense. Hopefully this helps!


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