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Product Preview Component


Desktop design screenshot for the Product preview card component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

Using React for this project.

What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

The responsiveness was a little bit tricky, but I was able to pull through.

What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

The header-image doesn't seem to change according to the function, and I don't know why. Or maybe it changes, but I just don't see it. Some help would be greatly appreciated.

Community feedback

Carl 815



Hi there

The image does change, but only on initial load. To see this you can open up dev tools (F12) and inspect the img elements src. As you resize the webpage you will see the image src does not change. But if you resize and then refresh it does.

This is because the code responsible for changing the image is your if/else logic in your App.js component. This component is rendered once and then doesn't change. To get this to change you could implement some useState and then setState dependent on a resize event - but you don't need to do this, and probably shouldn't.

There are already more suitable native solutions to change images based on viewport that don't require JS, they include:

  1. The picture element
  2. Img srcset attribute

For a project like this I would probably use the Picture element.

Good luck.

Marked as helpful




Wow Thanks a lot, Carl Humm. This works perfectly. Now I can see the changes based on the viewport.

Carl 815




No problem, I am happy to help

Good job on changes. However, your picture element is missing the media attribute which you may want to fix.

The media attribute specifies a media condition (similar to a media query) that the user agent will evaluate for each <source> element.

Code Example

  <source srcset={desktopHeaderImage} media="(min-width: 600px)" />
  <img src={mobileHeaderImage} alt="MDN" />

I've added a basic media attribute to your code above so that the desktop image will show on viewports greater than 600px. You can change this to whatever condition you want, for example media="(orientation: portrait)", media="(min-width: 40em)", etc.

How to check if it's working?

To check to see if it works, you can open dev tools again (F12), go to network tab, click img, and then resize the page. As you resize the page you will see a new image source pop up.

Good luck on your next challenge

Marked as helpful




Thanks again, @CarlHumm. I never even heard of this tag until you mentioned it. It's a game changer. Hopefully I'll be able to use it more. Thanks once again.




Great work really ! Although I believe in your solution the “Add to cart” button could use a little more margin below so there’s some space between the bottom and the button, I believe this will give it an overal cleaner look.


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