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Product Preview Component with Tailwind CSS!


Desktop design screenshot for the Product preview card component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

This is my first time using Tailwind CSS and I'm happy with what I produced. What I would do differently next time is to try to get precise measurements with certain elements on padding, margin etc. I didn't have access to the Figma file so I didn't know what the measurements were. I would have converted the mockup screenshots into a Figma design.

What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

There was a learning curve with Tailwind. I didn't realize there were additional steps to install Tailwind. Also, I didn't know much of the syntax for styling certain element such as padding, hover etc. I overcame this learning curve my referencing this cheatsheet from Nerdcave.

Overall I can see why Tailwind is really popular. It saves a lot of time - I just need to get used to seeing styling on an html/js page

What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

What's the difference between using App.css and index.css? I ended up putting the base styles on index.css but I didn't put anything on App.css.

Community feedback

Grace 28,970



There are some issues with the markup on this that are really foundational. Rather than go through them all here, I’ll point you to an article I wrote about planning html that looks at this specific challenge:

The only thing that’s less relevant now is that from what I understand screen readers now announce strike through text, so you may not need to add the screen reader only text any more about the old price. I need to check that then I’ll update the article.

I hope it helps anyway.




@grace-snow That article was a great read, thanks for sharing! There were a lot of concepts that I learned, such as the <picture> tag and the strike-through text.

Rahat 20



Hey, the small and large design is pretty good. but on medium device, it's width becomes too much. you can use max-width on the card until it touches large screen. I'd be happy if you rate my work also :)




@rahatfaruk Thanks for your feedback, I added the max-width for the card just now :)


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