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Profile card component



Desktop design screenshot for the Profile card component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Hey, I was a little bit confused about what challenge should I pick. I chose that one and it looks very similar to the last challenge I picked - NFT preview card component -, just the background was challenging for me, so my question is, what approach should I follow that will help me at picking the next challenges? or should I just do all of it?

Community feedback



I think you are not resetting the CSS. Add reset css. This should be enough

*{ margin:0; padding:0; box-sizing:border-box; }

Also try to center the card component. using hard values of margin is not a good approach. You can use display flex or position absolute and when there is a single component on your page give body hieght of 100vh when using display flex so that it can take all the space then centering component will be easy.

body{ position: absolute; top:50%; left:50%; transform:translate(-50%,-50%); }

And remove margin-top for card class.

Hope it helps ^^.

Marked as helpful




Hey @momenkamal221, congrats on completing the challenge!

I had a look at your final solution and I have a few suggestions for you that I hope will be useful:

  • You don't need to set a height property on your .card - your layout should be created in such a way to naturally adjust to the available content. When you set fixed values for your height, or even width, it becomes more difficult to create a robust responsive design.

  • You can vertically and horizontally center your design by using flex display on your body element. Also, add min-height: 100vh to your body element

  • Your .card is also missing a box-shadow -> refer to the original design

  • Change styling for the .unit elements. Currently, they're a bit different from the original design

  • You don't need an hr element. You can simply set a border-top property on your .flip-scores element and then also add padding-top as to push the line further above

Hope this helps. Keep up the good work!

Marked as helpful

Web Wizard 5,690



Hi, @momenkamal221 ~

Congratulate on your solution to the challenge on FM platform. I have studied your work carefully and learned a lot from it.

Here are some of the tips I like to provide.

  • On smaller devices, card goes over screen, and I think max-width: 100% can solve this issue.
  • Please try BEM for naming element classes. It will help you a lot on bigger projects.
  • About next challenge, I suggest you to try Space Travel one.

Here is my solution to this challenge, and if it can help you even a bit, it would be happy to me.

Cheers ~

Marked as helpful


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