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Profile Card - CSS Flexbox and CSS Custom Properties



Desktop design screenshot for the Profile card component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Hello Team,

This is my first, serious, attempt in finishing this challenge. It was really a fun challenge, learned a lot while searching for the best practices in creating a card component. Did I succeed? Yes and No, not 100% satisfied with my solution yet.

But for now I think it is good enough and when I learn more and more with the challenges I will revisit and refactor the solution some day.

If you have any tips or feedback, please feel free to sent me a comment, this is the only way to learn and get better in things.

Best regards,


Community feedback

Grace 27,710



Hi Arjen

This looks pretty good overall but I can see some white at the top of the card on mobile, and some of the text is unreadably small for me.

Here are some suggestions to improve your code

  • look up how and when to write alt attribute values on images. This needs real improvement
  • always use semantic elements. What would be better for those 3 stats? A description list, unordered list, table etc? There is always a better element for text content than div/span
  • you don’t need a height on the card. Let it’s height be dictated by the size of content plus the paddings and margins inside
  • instead of having a media query why not just set the card to be 100% width and give it a max width in REM?
  • be careful not to increase css specificity unnecessarily. Single class selectors will be much easier to maintain.

Good luck

Marked as helpful





@grace-snow Hello Grace,

Thank you so much for taking the time to give me your feedback. I really appreciate this. You're right with the bullet points and I did some refactoring work 😀.

  • Used CSS grid for the card framework
  • Changed the statistics list into an unordered list
  • Removed the background image, but I'm not happy yet with the empty DIV solution I came up with.
  • The media Query is still in though 😮. I'll need it because the shadow on mobile is different.
  • Fixed the profile image width, didn't know that border is “subtracted” from the image. Even is box-sizing is set to border-box. The use of outline gives a bleed trough of the background.

Think this second version is better, and will improve it in the future.

Best regards,



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