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profile-card-component using React, Flexbox, and SASS.

obasekiosa 120


Desktop design screenshot for the Profile card component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

I know a few already but any suggestions on where I can learn how to work with images and units in more detail.

This project really tested my understanding of images, positioning(absolute especially) and sizing units (relative units especially). I stumbled and stumbled a lot. Realized there is so much to learn.

Community feedback



Hey, really nice work on this one. The overall layout looks great.

Here are some suggestions for the site:

  • For this one or just in general, when you building a site, always have a single main tag to wrap the main-content of that page. For this one, the .main should be using a main tag instead of div so that the site will contain a main-landmark.
  • Those 2 blobs images could be used as background value. This way, you won't have to create those 2 div.
  • For the div that wraps the .attribution, use footer tag on it so that it will be nested inside in another landmark. So on this page, you would have a markup that looks something like this:
<main />
<footer />
  • Remove the position: absolute on the .main since it is not needed, this just hides the .attribution as well. Remove the position: relative from the div that wraps the .attribution. For this, you don't really need them. So you will have to remove the stylings:

Since the .App is using a flexbox already to center both items.

  • Also on the .App, remove the height: 100vh. Avoid using height: 100vh on a large container as this makes the element's height capped based on the viewport/screen's height. Instead use min-height: 100vh so that the element will expand if it needs to.
  • For this one, since the layout is showing a person's information and statistics, it makes sense to use the person's name as the person's img alt value.
  • You could use for now the h1 to wrap the person's name since a single h1 is needed for a site. If you feel like h1 is not suited on this, use h2 on the name and have a search about sr-only h1.
  • When wrapping up a text-content, make sure that it is inside a meaningful element like p tag or heading tag and not using like div, span to wrap the text.
  • For the .stats selector, if you look at the content of that part, those are "list" of information about the user, it would make sense to use a ul or dl tag in that one.

Aside from those, great job again on this one.

Marked as helpful


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