Why, hello, Anna! 👋
Wonderful job on this challenge! Your solution looks just like the design and the transition of the mobile navigation is really nice! 🤩
Your code looks very good and I like how simple your JS is! 😉
Your solution also scales very nicely and the fluid typography is a nice touch! 👍
Keep coding (and happy coding, too)! 😁
Say, just a tiny note on fluid typography using vw
units—this means that users will have less control over the font-size of a webpage if they change the default font-size of their browser (since those changes are reflected in rems
and ems
, but not vh
or vw
units)—which poses a slight accessibility issue (since a large part of the reason setting font-sizes and other things in rem
is considered a good practice is so that the design will scale well for users who change the default font-size of their browser).
There are some JS solutions to make accessible, fluid typography, but one thing that might help is to set the font-size of elements in the page to a combination or em
or rem
units and vw
units (e.g., font-size: clamp(2rem, calc(2rem + 4vw), 5rem)
) so that if the user changes the default font-size of their browser, those changes are at least partially reflected in the typography of the page. 😉
IDK—fluid typography is really very fun and I'd like implementing it for fun projects like this. Just a note I thought I'd share to keep in mind for the future! 😊
Thanks for sharing that article - it was really insightful! I hadn't considered the accessibility issues of using vw. Adding the calc function does seem like a decent (and clever) compromise. It's all definitely something to keep in mind - at least it's nice to have projects like these to experiment with!
And as always, thank you so much for the thoughtful feedback and encouragement - it's appreciated!