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Project tracking intro component


Desktop design screenshot for the Project tracking intro component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

I'd appreciate any feedback.

Community feedback



NoorAlhijab, Looks great overall! A few things I'd fix.

  1. Make the laptop and phone align to the right edge and use more whitespace in the middle with screens that are bigger than yours. I'm thinking something like justify-content: space-between in a flex display. Also, tied with this is that I'd probably make the navbar at the logo in the top left separate items so that justify-content can work on the left side and the right side.
  2. The navbar items go out of the gray box when you squish the screen a bit (horizontally). This should be fixed if you do number 1. Alternatively, you could just make your hamburger button show up sooner.
  3. A small thing, but I would add some sort of transition for your hamburger button/menu. It just pops up sharply. I'd probably make it come in from the right, but that's sort of up to personal preference.



Thank you for adding this comment, this helps to improve my code, I still a newbie.

ah298 165



Hye NoorAlhijab, your website is working great! this is only a suggestion, maybe you can make the menu in mobile view position fixed. So that if user scroll the page, they can still see the menu Other than that, everything is amazing.




thank you for your feedback, I'm going to update the position to the position fixed.


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