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QR Code Component | HTML CSS

Vanza Setiaβ€’ 27,855


Desktop design screenshot for the QR code component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
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Hello everyone! πŸ‘‹

I just want to create a simple project to boost my motivation a bit. Also, I keep it as simple as possible since it's a simple challenge so I don't want to think too much about it. However, I have written a README where I mention some approaches that I could take to finish this challenge. I hope that it will be helpful.

Anyway, feel free to give me any suggestions or feedback. Thanks!

Community feedback



Hello there πŸ‘‹. Good job on completing the challenge !

I have some suggestions about your code that might interest you.

HTML πŸ“„:

Use the <main> tag to wrap all the main content of the page instead of the <div> tag. With this semantic element you can improve the accessibility of your page. Use the <footer> tag to wrap the footer of the page instead of the <div class="attribution">. The <footer> element contains information about the author of the page, the copyright, and other legal information. Since this component involves scanning the QR code, the image is not a decoration, so it must have an alt attribute. The alt attribute should explain its purpose. e.g. QR code to CSS 🎨:

Instead of using pixels in font-size, use relative units like em or rem. The font-size in absolute units like pixels does not scale with the user's browser settings. This can cause accessibility issues for users who have set their browser to use a larger font size. You can read more about this here πŸ“˜. Use min-height: 100vh instead of height: 100vh. The height property will not work if the content of the page grows beyond the height of the viewport. I hope you find it useful! πŸ˜„

Happy coding!

Marked as helpful


Vanza Setiaβ€’ 27,855




Hi, Mohmed!

Thank you for your suggestion about the alternative text. I have made the improvement.

For the other suggestions, I have implemented all of them since the beginning like:

  • Using <main> element for the card,
  • Using <footer> for the attribution,
  • No px unit in my CSS,
  • Use rem for all font-sizes, and
  • Set min-height: 100vh to the <body> element (never set height)

You said "You can read more about this here πŸ“˜", it looks like you want to give me a link (?).

Darrick Fauvelβ€’ 340



Hi @vanzasetia, πŸ‘‹

Great job! πŸŽ‰

The only things I can see are slight font size and line height issues. I don't know if you've ever tried the :root { font-size: 62.5% } trick? I use it all the time (until someone tells me a better way). It sets up all of your rem font sizing to be 1rem = 10px. So, a 25px font from Figma would be equal to 2.5rem.

As for line height, I have been using the calc() function to do the math for me. I get the pixel line height from Figma, say 28px for the heading, divide it by the heading pixel font size of 22px, and the result will be a number.

So, in this challenge try this:

:root {
  font-size: 62.5%;
.card__title {
  font-size: 2.2rem;
  line-height: calc(28 / 22);
.card__description {
  font-size: 1.5rem;
  line-height: calc(19 / 15);

πŸ“’Note: It will throw off your other sizes based on the root font size. So, you would adjust accordingly.

I hope this helps! 😊


Vanza Setiaβ€’ 27,855



@DarrickFauvel Hi Darrick! πŸ‘‹

Thank you for taking some time to review my code! I really appreciate it!

So, about root font size, I would not change it. Changing the html or root font size can cause huge accessibility implications for those of the users with different font size or zoom requirements. You can read what an accessibility expert (Grace Snow) has said about it.

For the line-height, I never try using calc to measure it. Thank you for telling me that trick. πŸ˜‰

As far as I know, line-height will automatically adjust based on the font-size, and in this case, the font-size is the same for both mobile and desktop design, so I don't think I need to adjust the line-height.

I just want to make sure we're all in the same page so, if I set font-size: 1rem and then I set the line-height: 1, now the line-height would be 16px. So, if I increase the font-size to 2rem, that means the line-height would be 32px.

Darrick Fauvelβ€’ 340



@vanzasetia Thank you so much for correcting me, Vanza.

Like I said, "until someone tells me a better way" for font sizing. You just did. πŸ‘ Your reference to @grace-snow is greatly appreciated.

I also noticed @grace-snow is using a Sass function to do px to rem calculations, like so:

@function rem($size) {
  @return $size / 16px * 1rem;

I will be trying this out.

As for the line height, here are my calculations from the design file:

  • card__title: 28px line height / 22px font size = 1.2727
  • card__description: 19px line height / 15px font size = 1.2666
  • apparently, these are a result of Figma's default auto line height setting

It's my understanding that a default CSS line height is roughly 1.2 (which is a multiplier). So, the results of both pieces of text are a little bit larger than the default multiplier. It may be hair-splitting at these small font sizes, but I know this is important when I've worked with designers (maybe the wrong ones πŸ€ͺ), and so I try to be accurate where I can as I learn more.

Vanza Setiaβ€’ 27,855



@DarrickFauvel The Sass function that she is using is working fine if you are going to compile the Sass code with the Live Sass Compiler. But, if you are using the Dart Sass, which is the newest and the recommended Sass compiler, you need to change some things a bit.

For the line height, I'm not going to calculate that in detail. πŸ˜… It's because if I do that, it makes me write line-height property for each different element, which might not be a best practice to do, especially on bigger projects.

Also, I don't think that the designer is going to be angry because of the 0.0666 difference between the site and the design. πŸ˜‚

Darrick Fauvelβ€’ 340



@vanzasetia That's good to know about the difference with the Sass compiling. Thank you.

Yes, you are probably right about the line height and I am just over thinking it. πŸ€¦β€β™‚οΈ Thanks for your feedback on it. Much appreciated. 😊

Vanza Setiaβ€’ 27,855



@DarrickFauvel You're welcome! It's great to have a discussion with you! πŸ˜„


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