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QR code project using basic Html and Css

Carolineβ€’ 210


Desktop design screenshot for the QR code component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

I found the project not so hard to work on. I was unsure on how to center the qr code but i somehow managed to do it.

Community feedback

Lucas πŸ‘Ύβ€’ 104,580



πŸ‘ΎHi @Carolkiarie, congratulations on your solution!πŸ‘‹ Welcome to the Frontend Mentor Coding Community!

Great solution and a great start! From what I saw you’re on the right track. I’ve few suggestions for you that you can consider adding to your code:

1.Use <main> instead of <div> to wrap the card container. This way you show that this is the main block of content and also replace the div with a semantic tag.

2.Add the website favicon inserting the svg image inside the <head>. <link rel="icon" type="image/x-icon" href="./images/favicon-32x32.png">

3.To maintain the card responsive use max-width instead of width this way you allow the content to be flexible. The difference between max-width and width is that width is fixed and max-width has a maximum size but can shrink to fit the content.

4.Use relative units like rem or em instead of px to have a better performance when your page content resizes on different screens and devices. REM and EM does not just apply to font size, but all sizes as well. To save your time you can code your whole page using px and then in the end use a VsCode plugin called px to rem to do the automatic conversion or use this website

Here's my solution for this challenge if you wants to see how I build it:

✌️ I hope this helps you and happy coding!

Marked as helpful


Carolineβ€’ 210



@correlucas Thank you so much for the feedback. Quick question kindly. in the style sheet guide, there are values given for the widths of the mobile and the desktop (- Mobile: 375px

  • Desktop: 1440px) . Where exactly do you use them and what was the need of them being included in the stylesheet. Thank you for your time!
Adrianoβ€’ 33,940



Hi Caroline, how are you?

I really liked the result of your project, but I have some tips that I think you will like:

1- Every page should have one main landmark <main>. So replace the div that wraps the whole content with <main> to improve accessibility. click here

Prefer to use rem over px to have your page working better across browsers and resizing the elements properly

The rest is great!!

Hope it helps...πŸ‘

Marked as helpful

Abdulqaweeyuβ€’ 70



Great work @Carolkiarie

  • From what I see, the border radius on the image is not enough img {border-radius: 10px;}
  • Also as I learnt recently, it is better to implement CSS variables to make your CSS code more organized. It will look like this:
:root {
  --primary-color: value;
  --secondary-color: value;
  --tertiary-color: value;
  • And it will be used as this:
h1 {
    color: var(--secondary-color);

You can learn more about CSS variables here


Carolineβ€’ 210



@ABQ4539 Thank you for the reply. I am quite new to Css variables and it kind of gets me confused. I will however dive into the link you have attached to see if i will have a better understanding.


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