Though it may not seem like a lot, you've got all the pieces of the puzzle already. Now all you need is to shuffle them a bit to get the full picture right.
Setting up the GitHub and the GitHub page puts you in a pretty good spot since it shows you are determined to get things working. Perfection is like the sun: its bright. Too bright. It's so bright that if you look at it for too long you will go blind!
I'd recommend you take this free course by Kevin Powell that's given over the span of 21 days. It will give you good foundations of how to work out design problems like this one.
Feel free to reach out if you get stuck on the course. Below is a happy face to lift up your mood.
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@TheMcnafaha alrgiht thank you very much. I have no problem understanding how html works but i still struggle a bit when i have to implement it on my own, especially in terms of designs. I'll try that course and let you know