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QR-code-component [HTML & CSS]

leviathan 10


Desktop design screenshot for the QR code component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

In the past 2 days, I learned about the rem, and the magic number for the rem is 16. It included more math. I edited all the code from index.html and started again with main.css. I spent some time to leant about GIT and GIT comands. Q: Does the best practise consist of keeping the code as clean as possible? Q: Shall I start another challenge or shall I keep working on this one till I feel confident with my work?

I hope this time I'm better with this solution.

Thank you

Community feedback

Abdulelah 540



welcome leviathan, I hope you have a good time during this exercise .

at first you need to take care abut containers it good for readability and when you make responsive design .

and about your question: the first one yes it is. the second no you have to go ahead and keep working on new things to get some experience. and in the end let me give you a tip you can use rem with no math at all by reset it in the html tag by say font-size: 62.5% and this way will make 1rem = 10px and this is so easy to calculate. I hope these notes are give you some knowledge^_^

Marked as helpful

Sandro 1,170



Hi Leviathan

Yes, it's a good practice to keep your code clean and organized, as it makes it easier to maintain and debug in the future.

As for whether to start a new challenge or keep working on the current one, it depends on your personal learning goals.

If you feel confident with your work and want to continue to challenge yourself, starting a new project can help you expand your skills.

If you feel like you still need to solidify your understanding of the current project, it may be more beneficial to continue working on it until you feel confident with your work.

Good Luck

Marked as helpful

leviathan 10



I began a new challenge to get some new experience, but my plan is to come back to give a proper solution for this challenge. I don't like to leave things unfinished. even if it will take more time for me to learn new stuff. And with GIThub, there is more and more stuff to learn. I learned about branches and what pushing and pulling do to a repo.

I don't have any questions at the moment; today I'm heading to W3 to read again about the 5 categories of CSS element selectors.

Thank you all for your help. I will return with new questions.


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