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React, Styled Components, React Query,

bwhitney2439• 545


Desktop design screenshot for the Devjobs web app coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

All Feedback welcome. This one took me a while for some reason.

Shout out too for helping me with infinite scroll in react query and being able to hide load more button if there were no more items to render next.

Shout out to Kent C Dodds article on using CSS variables for theme and dark light mode as per this article which appear to be more performant than using context provider.

Community feedback

Steven Toben• 750



So your trying to consume the API with the wrong endpoint. You're using as the host. That's not where the file is hosted, plus that app was for development purposes only and it looks like it's been shut down due to how many people were abusing it. So it looks like you're trying to consume a REST Api, by calling the GET request. When you send this request your header should have the scheme of https, your host should be, and the filename should be /positions.json. + your query string you were using, except if there's no selection you should probably put an * to not filter everything out when it loads

Grace• 27,670



Hey, the theme switching works great but I'm only getting a loader and no results at the moment (the api might be down?)


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