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Responsive advice quote generator using javascript,css,html

ibiminaā€¢ 490


Desktop design screenshot for the Advice generator app coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
  • API
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

All observations noted and corrected

Any feedback will be appreciated


Community feedback



Great job with functionality. But with design, I found that the dice button is not fully centered. When I check your code I found that you are using a fixed value for the right property which is right: 8rem. You can fix it by setting it's right to 50% and adding transform: translateX(-50%). It will center the dice no matter what size or width of the card. And give it border-radius 50% to get a full circle. And would be better if you fix your font size and font-weight. Other than that, well done with functionality, keep it up.

Marked as helpful


ibiminaā€¢ 490



@soewaiyanag thanks for the feeddback, I made some few changes

Daveā€¢ 5,245



Hey nice, job here!

To make things faster or appear faster, I would 1) move the script to the head, and add the async attribute, 2) put some placeholder text in the HTML that way if things are slow or JS fails the user still has something to read 3) not include window.onload and just execute the function as its read (you may need to swap async to defer if that messes up interactivity).

Also, I'd suggest having another look at your fonts - they don't seem to be showing up, and also adding some fallback text in your catch so that the user still sees something if JS fails for any reason.

Hope this helps a little

Cheers Dave

Marked as helpful


ibiminaā€¢ 490



@dwhenson Thanks for the feedback. I made a few changes

Daveā€¢ 5,245



@ibimina Nice! The fonts look better - I think it seems a bit faster too.

Shashree Samuelā€¢ 9,260



Hey good job completing this challenge

Keep up the good work

Your solution looks great however I think the font family of the content does not match the one specified in the file.

In terms of your accessibility issues simply wrap all your content between main tags

I hope this helps

Cheers Happy coding šŸ‘


ibiminaā€¢ 490



@TheCoderGuru thanks corrected


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