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Responsive age calculator app


Desktop design screenshot for the Age calculator app coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

The thing I am proud of the most is keeping myself still in the challenge :)

What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

No challenge.

What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

Still, i have some difficulties in CSS.

Community feedback

Grace 28,970



I think I keep leaving you the same kind of feedback. I can't stress enough how important it is you learn html to a higher standard. This is inaccessible. Think through the html carefully.

For example

  • how should forms be structured?
  • how should inputs be labelled?
  • how should a group of inputs be labelled for the group?
  • how can icon buttons have an accessible name?
  • how should errors be programmatically linked to their inputs?
  • how should results be announced to screen readers?
  • when should heading elements be used and at what level?
  • what are the appropriate meaningful elements for the content? (Always a separate consideration to the styled design).

And then back to the css fundamentals...

  • why do css resets matter and what ones would be appropriate to use?
  • what's the most performant way to load fonts?
  • when to use width vs max width, or rem vs px...
  • what's the appropriate unit for font size? And line height? Letter spacing? Etc.
  • what are the alternatives to margin when needing space between flex items?
  • what's the impact of having no borders at all on buttons for high contrast mode?
  • why do focus visible styles matter so much and what should they look like?
  • why should we build mobile first?
  • how should media queries be defined and how should we choose appropriate values for them?

I know you've had a lot of this kind of feedback already, so I am switching tactic now. No more answers or lists of corrections. Apply what you've learnt already and look up the rest.

Marked as helpful


Grace 28,970



In this specific challenge I also strongly recommend you use a date library instead of trying to do manual calculations. This is currently inaccurate and would need masses of extra js to make it robust. Part of the job is knowing when to lean on third party tools where that work has already been done. This is one of those times.




Your site is giving my age one month in the future. I think you didn't add + 1 in month while subtracting present month and birth month.

Marked as helpful


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