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Responsive Card Component Using Ancient Technique... Floats, and Media

Cornflakes 290


Desktop design screenshot for the Stats preview card component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Hey There! Criticism is needed (Jumping straight into questions.)

  1. I was surprised to learn that <img> tags can't have a background color by simply adding a background property. It took me a while to research how to change the color of the main image and I still could not bring it to perfection.

  2. My main focus for this project was to get familiar with "ancient" techniques. So I used "Floats" instead of "Flexbox" or "Grid". I'm a little hesitant about jumping into "Flexbox" or "Grid" because I feel like I'm not good enough with using "Floats". Should it be like that?

  3. Another thing that almost made me mental was trying to stretch my image to cover the remaining margin and make it responsive. I made a lot of mess with the "Height" properties, I found it difficult to use the "Height" property more than the "Width" property.

A cleaner and more efficient method would be greatly appreciated. Best practice and ANY Advice/Feedback/Criticism will also be extremely helpful and appreciated.

Community feedback



The photo somehow get squeezed when the website is getting smaller and smaller around breakpoint 900, you can use the img property, object-fit: cover; so the image gets proportionate according to its parent or container.

Marked as helpful


Cornflakes 290



@ExiviuZ Nice! Thanks for that!

leverh 300



Hi Cornflakes, I'm no expert but i don't think you should be wary of using flexbox and grid. As far as i understand, floats are an old fashioned method of placing text around images- much like how newspapers and magazines used to work. But times have changed and luckily we have flex and grid to help us create prettier and more functional website/apps designs. Here's an article i found on the matter (it's short... ;)): Other than that i thought your solution looked even better than the original ;)



Cornflakes 290



@leverh Blushing. Honestly, I would rate my solution 4/10 ;D. I see you're trying to lift my spirit (Which I desperately need). :)

"A man must first endure the pain of using floats to truly appreciate Flexbox" ~ Master Oogway

I think I've endured enough. So it seems I might jump into Flexbox for my next project. Thank you for the kind words. I've seen your profile, not pretty bad yourself maybe start calling yourself an expert ;).


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