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Responsive home page using bootstrap 5

Caroline• 210


Desktop design screenshot for the News homepage coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

Hello all, this was my first project using bootstrap 5 and bait of sass. It is pretty rusty. For example, I was unable to change the background color of my off canvas. Any suggestion is welcome. Thank you and happy coding:)

Community feedback

Vicktor• 900



Hello, Caroline.

Good attempt on this one.

Here are some things you can improve.

It seems you used a duplicate id value here.

<div class="offcanvas offcanvas-end d-md-none" id="main-nav">

These should be unique, otherwise, you might run into problems down the road. Consider finding the duplicate ID and changing it to something else. You can use Ctrl+F in VS Code (or its equivalent in your code editor) to find the duplicate id="main-nav" and change it.

There's another warning in the accessibility report that heading levels should only increase by one. This means that you should structure your HTML such that you only have one <h1> at the top then following it should be an <h2> then <h3> etc.

For example, you used an <h3> then <h2> in your code here.

// previous code here

<div class="col-sm-12 col-lg-4 bg-verydarkblue" > 
          <div class="card-body h-100 card-fluid pt-4 ">
            <h3 class="text-softorange">New</h3> // <- Here's the h3
            <ul class="list-group list-group-flush">
              <li class="list-group-item bg-verydarkblue text-offwhite">
                <h2 class="fw-bold fs-5 ">Hydrogen Vs Electric cars</h2> // <- Here's the h2
              <p class="text-muted">Will hydrogen-fueled cars ever catch up
                to EVs

// other code below goes here

Structuring your heading tags is important for accessibility because screen readers read them out in order from h1 to h6 to people with poor eyesight. Mixing heading tags makes navigation harder for them.

You can switch the two heading tags above and style them such that one is bigger than the other but you still preserve the integrity of the headings structure.

If you have code inside multiple <section> or <article> tags, you can start at an <h2> and go down from there.

For example:

<article> // <- You can replace this with a <section>
     <h2>10 Best Places To Buy Make-up In Nairobi</h3>

     <h3> Some of these depend on your budget</h3>

     <p>If you ever find yourself in one of East Africa's busiest cities...</p>

     <h2>What Is Mutura Really?</h3>

     <h3> Is it boudin or a cow's large intestines?</h3>

     <p>Parked around street corners are many vendors selling the famous mutura...</p>

Finally, if you want to use an image as a link, remember to add an alt text to it so screen readers know where the link goes.

<a href="#home" class="navbar-brand">
     <img src="assets/images/logo.svg" alt="Home">

Hope this helps.

All the best with your future solutions.

Marked as helpful


Caroline• 210



@Victor-Nyagudi Hello Victor. Thank you so much for the well detailed feedback. I will for sure make the necessary correction.

Amal Karim ✅• 1,290



Hi, Caroline 👋

Congratulations for completing this challenging challenge!

Here are some suggestions.

  • The background color of offcanvas is actually white. But because the modal-backdrop is placed in front of (or above) the offcanvas, its background looks like it's not white, and actually it becomes unaccessible (i.e. you cannot click the menu, instead you click modal-backdrop). To solve this, give offcanvas higher z-index than modal-backdrop, for example z-index: 1051; or higher.
  • Add × (close button) inside offcanvas, preferably above <ul class="navbar-nav mt-5 p-5 bg-offwhite">, place it in the same position as the hamburger menu, and add JavaScript code to make offcanvas hides when it is clicked.
  • I noticed the image width of the main article is less than its container width in certain screen sizes. It is because the image original width is just 680px. To avoid this issue, we could give specific styling to the image so the image width is always full at any given screen size. See the sample code below:
@media screen and (min-width: 700px) and (max-width: 991px) {
    img.img-fluid.d-lg-none {
        width: 100%;
        height: 300px;
        object-fit: cover;
        object-position: top;
  • For the bottom section, instead of using the available classes in Bootstrap, try using your own classes or styles to avoid some issues, particularly the gap that is too wide, between one article and the other in desktop view, and between the image and the text in mobile view.

If you're interested to see my solution, feel free to check them out

Hope this helps. Happy coding!

Marked as helpful


Caroline• 210



@amalkarim Hello Karim. Thank you for the feedback. Going right ahead to check your solution.


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