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Responsive landing page with mobile menu animation

Trevor Merrick• 150


Desktop design screenshot for the Agency landing page coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

I was pretty happy with this one.

The only thing is I wanted the mobile menu to go back up after I scroll down a little first. Right now, when you push the hamburger, the menu comes down, but when you scroll down, right away it goes back up, I wanted to scroll down say 200px and THEN it goes back up.

Anyway super fun to replicate and used CSS flex and CSS grid a lot.

Community feedback

Anna Leigh• 5,135



Hi, Trevor! Congrats on completing another solution!

If you use window.scrollY>=400 rather than window.scrollY=400 in your scroll event listener, it should work. Remember, one equals sign is not "equality" in JS. While using "===" should also work, the behavior you're really going for is to have the mobile menu move back up if the user has scrolled up to or past 400, so I think >= is better used here.

Marked as helpful


Trevor Merrick• 150



@brasspetals Worked like a rock!

Anna Leigh• 5,135



@tmerrick17 Awesome! Glad it worked! 😄


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