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Responsive QR code card using CSS and bootstrap



Desktop design screenshot for the QR code component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

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Solution retrospective

It would be helpful to understand

  • The reason why some added values in CSS need "!important" to actually show up.

  • How to center any element in the screen regardless of the screen/browser/device used

Community feedback

Grace 27,870



I recommend you don't use bootstrap or any other libraries while learning. This will actually hold back your progress.

If you learn css, html and js yourself you'll be able to easily pick up any library you want later on and understand exactly what they're doing, why they're doing it and what the trade offs are in each library.

Good luck

Marked as helpful




@grace-snow Thank you for your advice ! for some reason I thought it's helpful to know all the libraries as it makes things faster but I will definitely follow your advice to have a good foundation.

Nakoya Wilson 1,530



Adding to @denielden 's comment, in your index.html file you have inline css on line 26 (<div class="card" style="width: 18rem">). If you remove the style="width: 18rem" then you would not need the !important for the width: 320px; for the card in your style.css file.

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Travolgi 🍕 31,500



@nakoyawilson exactly ;)

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@nakoyawilson Ohhh ! that makes sense ! Thank you so much !

Nakoya Wilson 1,530



@Mabchir You're welcome!

Travolgi 🍕 31,500



Hi Mariem, great job! Congratulations on completing the challenge.

  • The reason why you sometimes have to use !important is because the css is read in cascade and the last classes overwrite the previous ones. It is a good idea to use as little as possible !important because it makes management of the CSS difficult.
  • The best way to center the element is to use flexbox

It would be helpful to understand:

Also i have a few suggestions for you:

  • add main tag and wrap the card for Accessibility
  • remove position: absolute; top and left properties from card class
  • use flexbox to the body for center the card. Read here -> flex guide
  • set heigth of body to 100vh because Flexbox aligns to the size of the parent container.

Overall you did well :)

Hope this help and happy coding!

Marked as helpful




@denielden Thank you for the detailed feedback and resources. That's very helpful!

Travolgi 🍕 31,500



@Mabchir You are welcome! And don't forget to mark my comment as helpful :) thanks

Marked as helpful

Hexer 3,680



Great job overall man. Keep it up

  • To fix your accessibility issues wrap your card with main element.

Marked as helpful




@Phalcin what do you mean by accessibility? I wrapped it in main but I don't see much difference. would you mind elaborating more ?

Thank you so much for taking the time to help me out !

Hexer 3,680



@Mabchir Just below where your solution is, there is a report section there. You can see it notifies you that you have one accessibily issues. So you can click view report and then update the report.

Marked as helpful

Ali 260



Hi @Mabchir.

It is look like your qr component not well centered. Try to use position: absolute with top and left 50%. Do not forget about translate: rotate too.

Good luck :)




@AleksHNZ Thank you Ali ! I actually used those percentages but it didn't really center things well. so I opted for @danielden 's suggestion and used flex box. I think it's better now

Grace 27,870



@AleksHNZ that's not a good way to center things in modern Web development. Much better to use css grid or flexbox so your elements stay ing the document flow


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