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Results Summary Component using HTML and CSS

Kurt3z 50


Desktop design screenshot for the Results summary component coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

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Hello everyone, I'm having a small problem in my solution.

By hovering over the "Continue" button, when the cursor leaves the element, it flashes white. On the .btn selector, I'm using the transition property to create a smooth effect, and that may be what is causing the issue. I wasn't able to find any fix that wasn't completely removing the transition property and the effect.

If anyone could be able to expend some of their time trying to help me understand why this issue occurs, I would be extremely grateful.

Thanks in advance.

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Hello @Kurt3z 👋. Congratulations on successfully completing the challenge! 🎉

  • Actually you can easily fix that flashing behavior of button during hover by change the background property to background-image property.
  • Example:
.btn:hover, .btn:active {
  background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #7857ff, #2e2be9);


I hope you find this helpful 😄 Above all, the solution you submitted is great !

Happy coding!

Marked as helpful


Kurt3z 50



@0xabdulkhalid Thank you very much, background-image fixed it indeed!




Hello @Kurt3z,

The background property itself is not animatable in CSS and gradients in CSS use background images, you cannot use a transition to a new one like you would text color. Also when you applied a linear gradient directly within the hover and active states, the transition property didn't have a defined starting point to transition from (e.g. initial color is red, wanted color is blue) because the default background was a solid color.

Hope this helps.


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Kurt3z 50



@aykinsancakli Thank you very much, by using background-image it actually worked!




Regarding your button hover. Try something like this:

button:hover { background: transparent; background-image: linear-gradient( to top, hsla(256, 72%, 46%, 1), hsla(241, 72%, 46%, 0.65) ); }

Marked as helpful


Kurt3z 50



@memominguez Thank you very much, it is fixed!




Hey! Regarding as to the transition property, I noticed you have an "all" in the transition property, I suspect that it is refreshing the whole button and not just the selected css background, so instead of adding an "all" element just add a "ease-in-out" in order to transition out of the animation once the user stop hovering. As well just a tip, use "ms" instead of "s" that way your timing is a bit more specific, something ranging from ".01ms" to ".999ms". It would look something like this "transition: .400ms ease-in-out". Hope this helps! Added a link for more information. Overall great job, great attention to detail!

Marked as helpful


Kurt3z 50



@InfanteAngel Thank you for the help! Ended up fixing it by using the background-image property instead of simply background. Regarding your tip about using ms instead s it makes a lot of sense being more specific about the animation timing, so will start using that technique from now on!




@Kurt3z glad I could help!


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