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sign-up form with no media query full responsive flexbox


Desktop design screenshot for the Intro component with sign-up form coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
View challenge

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Solution retrospective

Hi, guys just completed this project please provide any feedback.

Community feedback



Hey, awesome work on this one. The desktop layout looks great, just the overall layout is big bigger compared on the design. The site is responsive and the mobile state looks fine, though it could use smaller font-size for the mobile state since the heading text is quite big right now and some components as well.

For some other suggestions, here are some:

  • Heading tags doesn't need to use font-weight: 700 since by default it is already bold ( 700 ).
  • Since it has a form-component, it would be nice to use form tag for the .input selector instead of div so that it will be clear on the markup.
  • Your input right now currently lacks associated label to it or an aria-label to which will define the purpose of the input element. Always include it so that user will know what they need to give on each input. Make sure that label is pointing to the id of the input as well.
  • When submitting an invalid form, I suggest making the error-messages stays present until the user submits again the form, because right now it is hiding the error-messages after a couple of seconds and a user might not be fast enough to read those error-messages.
  • Also, those error-messages are only seen visually but not really linked to their respective input tag. A proper way of adding those errors would look something like this:
if ( input is wrong )
  input.setAttribute("aria-invalid", "true");
  input.setAttribute("aria-describedBy", id of the error-message);

The error-message element should have an id attribute which is referenced by the aria-describedBy attribute on the input element. By doing that, your user will know that the input is wrong because of aria-invalid and they will know what kind of error they made because of the aria-describedBy.

  • Those error-icons are only decorative images. Decorative images are just images that doesn't contribute to the overall content of the site. They should be hidden for screen-reader at all times by using alt="" and aria-hidden="true" to the img tag.
  • Another idea to implement is to have an aria-live element that will announce if the form submission is valid or not. This way, the user will be informed right away on what is the status of their submission.
  • If you like, you can have a look at this simple accessible form snippet that I have. Let me know if you have any queries about this one.
  • Those terms and services should be acting as link since on a real site, they are interactive so that user can see those information on another page. Use an a tag for that text.
  • Lastly, just about the layout for mobile state, reducing some font-size and just making the layout a bit smaller:>

Aside from those, great job again on this one.

Marked as helpful

David Turner 4,150



Nice job. Layout looks good. The form validates. No issues in the report. Well done.

Marked as helpful


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