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Simple Recipe main page using html(tables and lists) and CSS

Riska997• 10


Desktop design screenshot for the Recipe page coding challenge

This is a solution for...

  • HTML
  • CSS
View challenge

Design comparison


Solution retrospective

What are you most proud of, and what would you do differently next time?

1.I am most proud of my implementation of the responsive design aspect.

2.It was interesting to learn how to use media queries effectively and ensure the web page looks good on various devices.

3.Next time, I would focus on using links to join different pages so that more recipes can be added.

4.I would also use JavaScript to add more interactivity to the project, such as implementing a feature to customize the omelette recipe based on user preferences.

What challenges did you encounter, and how did you overcome them?

  1. The challenges I encountered were: aligning the table cells in the nutrition section properly and indenting the Preparation time code.

  2. I initially struggled with CSS styling to achieve the desired layout.

  3. However, after researching and experimenting with different CSS properties, I was able to resolve the issue by :

             -Ensure that the table has equal columns by 
               using *width: 100%;* and  *border-collapse: 
             -Creating a class  **indented list** and 
              styling it with padding so that there are tab 

What specific areas of your project would you like help with?

  1. How effective are my media queries in ensuring a responsive design across various devices?

  2. Are there any specific improvements or adjustments you would recommend for my media queries to enhance the responsiveness of my project?

  3. Can you provide feedback on the readability and organization of my media queries? Are there any best practices I should consider implementing?

  4. I'm unsure about the readability of my CSS code. Can someone provide suggestions on how to organize it better?

  5. I'm not sure if my design is visually appealing. Can someone give me feedback on the colour scheme and layout?

  6. Does my project meet all the requirements stated in the

Community feedback

Grace• 27,890



This is not a good challenge to attempt first. I recommend you pause this one for now and try the QR code challenge first instead.

This is not responsive and needs a lot of changes - all the usual foundational problems everyone faces. But it will take a long time to go through them all on this size.of challenge. It would be must easier to explain on the QR code challenge.


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